These Indian style door windows are created as per actual elements in use.
Banarasi Door & Windows
1 Wooden frames are created from wood log section per design of CPWD India. the design prevents plaster damage around door window frames when face flushed with wall face. Insert in frame may be removed by using insert=0. A chanel is made all aroun middle of frame to hold a perforated 6mm dia pipe to inject pest control liquidin it periodically, to protect door frame from termite etc.
2 Multiple door leaf shutters can be swipe to make a new door. Multy lite shutter can be utilise for one fully glazed panel to multy lite, simply by adjusting the vertical & horizontal numbers.
3 window frames are made from same log sections.Sunshed, Side fins & Sill proj set to zero if not req. Any of them can be set independently.There is provision for Frame extension and rebate can be made on both side if req.Safty grills have been provided in each opening & it adjust according to frame dimensions. M.S.Sq bar & M.S.Flat size can be set manually for grills.
4. window shutters are multy lite shutters & number of lites can be set. Mullions in Ventilator & Lowlite can be visible or not. Ht of ventilator & low lite can be set to zero if not req.
5. windows are marked by hor bay numbers, like 1A,1B, 2A, 3A etc.
6.All shutters are provided with 2D & 3D swing. Door shutters are inswing while window shutters are out swing as used in Indian culture.
7. use families after studdying the parameters. Window width is restricted as per actual use.It is better to handle the family after loading in project.
8. Any querry can be done on my phone number 91 9919640999
9. Welcome for further help. |