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Frequently Asked Questions


Q: Attention schools - Why can't I get past the home page? Why is my school blocked?




If someone from your IP address creates a vulgar, sexually explicit or racially degrading post anywhere on the RevitCITY site, that person's username and IP may be blocked.  In addition, a user may also be blocked if they are very disruptive in the chatroom or make continuous disruptive posts in the gallery or forums.


If your school IP address has been blocked, it can be restored by contacting the site, providing the name of the offending user and agreeing to better monitor your student's use of the site,



Q: How are users scores determined?


User scores are determined by their activities here on Certain activities are weighted more than others. We also weight forum posts and uploaded objects based on how useful they are to the community.

The following items have fixed scores:

  • Tutorials - 100 pts
  • Gallery Images - 2 pts
  • Upload Content - 5 pts

Q: How do I add a job posting?


To add a job posting on you first need to be an administrator for your firm. If you do not see a link entitled "Firm Administration" under your Member Options, you are not a firm administrator. By default the creator of the firm profile is a firm administrator. Otherwise you must request administrator status from the current firm administrators. Please contact one of them to add you as an administrator by clicking the "Request Administrator Status" checkbox in your user profile.

Once you have been given administrator access you may create job postings by clicking on the "Firm Administration" link under Member Options. After you have created your job posting, remember to activate it from within the Firm Administration page.

Q: How do I add my firm to the firm list?


To add your firm to the list of firms on the website, or to add yourself to an existing firm, you need to edit your profile.  To edit your profile, you need to be logged into the website and click "Edit User Profile" on the right side under Member Options.  Once you are in the "Edit User Profile" page, there is an option to "Join a Firm". In order to cut down on duplicate entries, you are forced to first search for your firm. After you have searched, and you discover that your firm has not been added by someone else, you are given an option to add your firm. If your firm is not currently in our database there will be an option to add a new firm to the database. Below are step by step instructions for you.

1: log in
2: go to edit profile screen
3: Click "Join a Firm" to get drop down box
4: Enter a search term such as one word of your firm name.
5: Verify that your firm is not already in the list of firm profiles on our site.
6: Click on link labeled "Click Here to Add A Firm"
7: Enter your firms information and follow the instructions.

Q: How do I become a member of


To become a member of, click the "Join" link at the top and follow the instructions.  Please also read the FAQ "No Password" and "Why can't I log on" answers.

Please remember that many on this list are professionals.  Vulgar or otherwise offensive usernames may result in being banned from the site. 


Q: How do I cancel my membership?


You can cancel your membership by clicking on the following link: Cancel Membership
You must be logged in to cancel your membership. Once you have deleted your account you will no longer be able to download files or participate in the chatroom and forums.

Q: How do I Download?


Downloading objects, participating in the forums or chat rooms, and uploading objects or gallery images all require membership. You can go to to become a member. If you are already a member, or have just created a membership, you must log in to download. Once you are logged in, the download links for the objects will appear.

Q: How do I edit my password?


Log into RevitCity and look under member options.  Your password, email and all of your data can be altered under 'Edit member options'.

Q: How do I post messages in the Forums?


To post a message on our forum boards, you must be a member of the site.  Membership is free but a limited amount of information is required to become a member.  Once you become a member, from the forum page, pick a forum and you will see options to start new threads or reply to existing threads in the forums. You will need to check the "I am not a robot box" before submitting.

In new questions, always include your Revit release number and what service packs have been installed.  You will find that information under the ? dropdown "About".

Q: How do I retain my membership but keep from receiving your emailings?

A: does not send out email very often, only on special occasions, or to notify our users of special situations, such as bug fixes that may have affected them or other special sitiations. In order to keep from receiving these mailings, make sure you are logged in and edit your profile. Check the box below the email address field labeled "Check the box to keep from receiving our mailings" and you will no longer receive any of our emailings.

Q: How do I upload an object?


To upload objects to our database, you first need to be logged in as a registered member of the site.  Once you are logged in there will be a link on the right side under "Member Options" called "Upload Content".  Click that link and you will get a form to fill out and upload your content.

Q: How Much Does Membership Cost?


Membership at is completely free! It always has been free, and we have no intentions of changing that.

If you find useful to you and would like to contribute, there is a donation button located in the "Member Options" menu once logged in. You can also click on ads you find interesting.

Q: NO PASSWORD / New password or I've forgotten my user name or password. What do I do now?


Go to and enter the email address you used to sign up with, in the blank provided. If your email address is in our database, your password will be reset, and sent to you along with your user name. If that email address is not in our database, you may have used a different email address, or you may need to sign up for a membership.

 When you join, or request a new password our automated system goes to work, sending you a new randomly generated password within 5 minutes of your request. Some mail servers process email "slowly" and you may not receive your email for up to 10 minutes from when you requested it. If however, after this initial 10 minutes you have not received your email, then something out there ate your email. It is possible your spam filter grabbed our email, or worse, your mail server rejected our email thinking it was spam.

 You should first check your spam folders for our email, make sure mail coming from is "whitelisted" in your spam filters, and if you still can't find it, contact your system administrator.

After getting your new password, you can edit your user profile to change it.

Q: Why Can't I Log In?


The most common cause of login errors is your password. Passwords are case sensitive, ensure you have the proper case for your password, and that your CAPSLOCK is not on. Cookies must also be enabled for our login system to work.

Ensure that your browser is set to receive cookies from and that you don't have another piece of software such as a firewall or anti-virus program blocking cookies.



Q: Why is Membership Required?


The first concern of most that are asking question is privacy. has never sold any information, nor does it have intentions to do so. The information we ask for is also very minimal, name and email address.

Membership helps create a sense of community and continunity. This is particularily important in the forums. Membership also allows us to attribute score to users who upload content.

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