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- Most ever was 626 - Mon, Jan 12, 2015 at 2:00:17 PM |
Parametric kitchen with some facebased parts.
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Cabinet with doors
- Dimensions are parametric, depth, height, width, handle placement
- Materials: cabinet, door, handle
Cabinets Drawers
- up to five drawers with visibility
- dimensions are parametric; depth, height, width, drawer height
- drawers automatically drop down 5 mm under the above drawer this is fixed at the moment a new version might get this dynamic.
- Materials are parametric
- Parametric dimensions (instance) material parameter.
Worktop L shape (with/without sink)
- Lengths, depths, heights, and thickness all instance parametric
Worktop I shape (with/without sink) Lengths, depths, heights, and thickness all instance parametric
Misc parts face based
- Stove electric: fixed dimensions, parametric materials (4 or 5 cooking pits with visibility parameter)
- coffee machine based upon Phillips Coffee pad machine: fixed dimensions, parametric materials
- coffee mug: fixed dimensions, parametric materials
- Microwave; fixed dimensions, parametric materials
- faucet: fixed dimensions, parametric materials based upon an old Sphinx one
Misc generic model
- Sink: parametric (instance) dimensions and height based upon floor height.
For any qeustions, 'bugs' etc. contact me by personal message
disclaimer: first family, some stuff might seem odd but strangely it works, next version will probably tone down on the parameters a bit.
Notice: Everything under constraints is calculated and should be left alone.
standard sizes based upon measurements from the netherlands, but can be adjusted to match your own.
Need another Revit version? Sadly Revit doesn't support saving back to previous versions. I can, however, create an IFC which can be imported. This might break the information contained within. Rendering the model useless. I'm sorry for this. |
CSI Division: 12 58 83 Custom Residential Furniture RevitCity Division: Casework > Domestic Kitchen
Product Version: Revit Architecture 2016 |
Uploaded By: onej6
Uploaded On: Mon, Feb 22, 2016 Original Creator: Onej6
Tue, Feb 23, 2016 at 12:52:11 PM
Joined Sat, Nov 20, 2010 No rating This user is offline |
RVT 2015 would be welcomed!!
Sun, Feb 24, 2019 at 9:01:39 AM
Joined Mon, Jul 30, 2018 No rating This user is offline |
Great, Basic Families!!
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