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Fri, Jan 4, 2008 at 11:54:42 AM | Interoperability




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My firm is looking to begin working with consultants also using BIM.  

<> We're new to this process and I'm curious as to whether or not the model will be "frozen" in the Structural and Mechanical versions of Revit.  Does anyone know if they can manipulate the architectural model elements we created, or if it behaves more like a "background" that they can only add information into?


<>blame the monkeys,



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Fri, Jan 4, 2008 at 4:25:13 PM | Interoperability



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With the file linked into another model it cant be modified beyond Visibility and Graphics. This, however, does not prevent anyone from opening the model and modifying it from there.

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Fri, Jan 11, 2008 at 1:35:46 PM | Interoperability



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Hello j100,


I'll see if I can shed some light on this subject for you.


The way the Revit disciplines can work together is using a process called copy/monitor.

The way this process works is when the architectural firm is ready to start working with the consultants, they will send over a copy of their central file to the structural and mep. What they do is then take the architectural model and link it into their file. Now that it is linked, it will act as a background for theirs. What should be done from their aside from some set up is start the copy monitor process. What happens is they will go through the architectural model and copy certain aspects into their Revit structures file, hence the copy part of the name. After that happens, Revit will begin monitoring all the objects that they just copied into their file, thus the monitor. The monitor aspect will compare the two files and it will notify them of any changes  that have been made to the monitored object from the architectural file.(i.e...if a grid moves in the architectural file, when the structural load the latest file, they will be notified.)


So what happens is all the disciplines will actually develop their own file using each other as a background. Now as James said, they can open the architectural file, modify it and then update the structural file and then send it back to the architects, but there is a little bit of checks and balances here. Although I did work with one client that insisted on developing the entire project in one file, but that DEFFINATELY NOT the way to go. Way to much information inside of one file.


As they are copy/monitoring your file, you are to theirs so if they make changes to applicable objects you will be notified as well. And with that notification comes the ability to deny, accept, postpone the changes giving each a little more control of what is happening.


Now copy/monitor will not allow any discipline to copy the entire project, it will only let certain objects be copied.

So will still use their files as a background and have to make some changes visually.

So long winded explanation. All the Revit disciplines will (should) develop their own separate file.





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Tue, Jan 15, 2008 at 4:36:28 PM | Interoperability




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Thanks guys -  You've been most helpful! 


<>blame the monkeys,



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