I hope everyone of you will find my stand - good! It is adjustable to suit everyones need... Here it is to download to have a try: http://www.revitcity.com/downloads.php?action=view&object_id=4118 If someone can animate the stand it would be great - and some sound to it? The stand saying hello! Here is some doors swinging open then rendering and closing... http://www.revitcity.com/forums.php?action=viewthread&thread_id=5709 it would be nice to combine the door swings with an animated stand. The stand saying hello! I believe has to go for the wishlist... or it will be alright in the next version? Sometime since... I have done some other stuff you can search for - my parametric greenhouse I find nice And there is a zazen bench for meditation - it is para... metric.... Once I was telling you about our society and Revit... how to use Revit in modern society... How modern is modern? - I believe it started 1583 - Galileo sitting in the Pisa cathedral - looking at a swinging lamp hanging down a certain length --- perhaps you can animate it in Revit? And Galileo taking his pulse... and using his measurements to make a formula --- some signs on a paper... and Natural Science was born... 1609 he had a formula to shot canon balls to hit the enemy... perhaps Galileo himself was the enemy... or what do you think of Natural Science becoming some sort of religion... or how to critize natural science? Just telling everything is one... and you have to keep quite... How old is man? http://www.nature.com/nature/ancestor/index.html - 6-7 million years!!! How old is agriculture making it possible to tax people to build hierarchial societes for good and bad? 10 000 years... How big groups are natural - seeing the one you are communicating with - being able to touch each other - well not so many in such groups I believe - Papua having 800 languages - - many small groups - now we are about 6 billions on this planet... How many millions do you know? I believe most of us do not know our own I:s - sleeping - dreaming - we are someone else - not our daily I:s. And a group(some I:s) in September 2000 wrote a plan about a NEW PEARL HARBOR - you can read it on PAGE 63 - in the plan called Rebuilding America´s Defenses - http://www.newamericancentury.org/RebuildingAmericasDefenses.pdf. Have you read the words on PAGE 63 from september 2000 in that plan? Here they are: Further, the process of transformation,even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor. Hopefully you can understand! And why not read the words aloud to yourself and others - they are on page 63 - behind those words are Cheney, Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz and some other more or less well-known names... most of us - 6 billions never signed that document! Most I believe have never heard about it! WELL HAVING DONE A METRIC PARAMETRIC COAT HAT UMBRELLA STAND - I can be proud - hope I do not have to be ashamed of my stand - having used an outcome of Natural Science called Revit - about 400 years after Galileos discovery! Have a try with my stand... or make your own stand!!! Just experiment... to find it out... my stand is parametric... it is really FUN to experiment with it... the animation of it is lacking but perhaps someone can do it? Thanks in advance!
Edited on: Sat, Sep 22, 2007 at 6:32:39 PM