Joined: Wed, Mar 21, 2007
19 Posts No Rating |
I found an old post in which someone said that Revit doesn't make glass transparent in elevations. Is this still the case, or has this capability been added in more recent releases? --M
Joined: Fri, Feb 20, 2009
9 Posts No Rating |
Not sure if you've fixed this or not, but since a lot of people are still using the 3d view work around (i.e. view->orbit to view), I thought I would shed the actual solution here. For walls/extrusions: In an elevation view, select the wall or panel you wish to make transparent and right-click. Select 'Override Graphics in View" and select either the Element or Category and in the next dialog box, click "Transparent." This works particularly well for insect screening, as the wall type becomes transparent, but the hatch is still visible in elevation. For Windows: First, click on the window and in the options bar click edit family. Once the window opens, expand the views and click on the exterior elevation. Next, use the tab to help you select the glass extrusion. Then right click on the extrusion, and select 'visibility.' Here, you would uncheck the visibility for the Front/Back and Left/Right views. Drawbacks: You'd have to do this with every window family used in the project and if you want to do a rendering, you'd have to re-click the F/B and L/R tabs. Hope this helps!