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Mon, May 7, 2007 at 12:19:26 PM | Crashes with Architecture 2008




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I am getting daily fatal errors with the Revit Architecture 2008, Build 20070324_1700, even when doing things as simple as dragging an existing window to a new wall location.  Anybody else having this issue?  This is a major annoyance, although I have been able to get my work back through the recovery file.  Now I am waiting for the bomb to drop and I'll really lose some stuff!

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Mon, May 7, 2007 at 3:02:56 PM | Crashes with Architecture 2008




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There are a number of discussions going on over at on RAC2008 issues.  I think the problems can be traced to overlay planes in the Revit options>graphics tab.  See if turning them on (or off) improves the situation.  It also looks like paying more attention to graphics cards are now in order for Revit as it now claims to support Open GL 1.3 and greater.  It probably makes sense to have a graphics card that supports this standard.  Add Windows Vista requirments to the mix for Aero and it begs fro a beafy graphics card that meets Windows and Revit specs.  Memory is now a real issue as well.  Nothing less than 4GB is suitable.  I'm pushing for 4GB ram on a dedicated Revit box with another box at the users station for the garden variety Windows apps like Office, IE.




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Tue, May 8, 2007 at 9:24:48 AM | Crashes with Architecture 2008




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Hi Tom, just make sure that your getting windows Vista or else you'll wasting money. Windows XP doesn't read more than 3gb's of ram.

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Tue, May 8, 2007 at 10:44:30 AM | Crashes with Architecture 2008




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Yes, 3GB is the limit on RAM in XP, but I'm assuming everyone will want to go to Vista once Revit is 64 bit enabled supposedly in a month or two.

Personally at home I'm thinking of going to a Mac Pro with about 8GB or Ram and running Vista on Bootcamp or Paralles.  Then again Vista boxes are more reasonable in price.  In either case I'm tired of running low on RAM.  Vista has an interesting feature called Ready Boost which will allow you to use USB drives to boost memory.




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Thu, May 17, 2007 at 8:04:02 AM | Crashes with Architecture 2008




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9.1 and now 2008 is crashing all the time with large files and always at the wrong time of course.

the prob. is, no one can tell you how to prevent it. it is costing me big money not just in lost time

but in credebility with clients.

keep on saving with "save as" and add day and time to the name and keep on working with the original name.

when it crashes it does it in a wonderfull way.

the back up files can't be opened so if you do not do a save as you basicly lost your job

wonderfull expierience after you worked through the night to meet a dead line 

i had my crashes with autocad, but that was a once a year event, this is now a regular event.

and i have to go back to saves that are days old.

my projects files range from 100 to 150 mb 

i was told the 2008 had it all fixed but i can't even get into the project to fined out what is wrong.

worst, one can spend all the time redoing it, and still do the same thing to corrupt it again.

there does not appear any way of auditing any families as a safeguard agains corrupting the project before inserting same .

what people do not realise that pro rata, my loss in credibility and money, is just as great as if a large practise

fails to meet a deadline for a tender date of a 100 million dollar project.

any suggestions?

i wish autodesk could at leat repair these corrupted files in a short time.

so that we can get on with it.

apert from this i am beginning to like revit 


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Thu, Aug 9, 2007 at 2:05:54 PM | Crashes with Architecture 2008




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editing trees in Accurender. i just discovered this neat little feature where you can actually edit the rendered version of the tree in revit. well, it was neat until every time i tried to  edit and create a new tree within the accurender… Revit crashes. whenever I try to 'create new from existing' I either get 'library is read only' message below or Revit crashes entirely. anyone have similar problems/solution?

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Mon, Aug 13, 2007 at 8:03:34 AM | Crashes with Architecture 2008




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G'day Tasmart,

sorry for not responding sooner.

since i started this subject i had a dream run with revit simply because the stuff i was working on

were all small files of about 20 mb.

this week i got back to an older file of 160 mb

and it did not take long to get into the muck knee deep.

my dealer suggested i reduce my ram from 4 gb to 2 gb and to set my vrtual ram to 8 gb (4x the phisical ram)

the machine still runs smoothly.

but it did not stop my files from crashing

so much so that i bit the bullet and exported the file to autocad and i iam finishing it of in autocad.

i can not afford to be a hero any longer.

it may be a hardware problem 

someone suggested to me, i should try a larger power supply, i got a 400 watt perhaps i should try 700 watts.

is there a way to moniter power usage over a day or during a heavy task?

what really gets me, is that revit (the way i understand it) will let you carry on with a corrupted file and the bakup file of the lastworking copy  can allready be deleted at the time of you are actually crashing a file.

 Cryingi saw a message :"file was corrupted in previous session" or similar 

please correct me if i am wrong.)

it is adviseable to keep on saving under a different name eg: fred 14-08-07 1500hrs.

this way, your backups do not get wiped off.

also export to dwg. regularly, only needed a plan view to finish the job and was able to finish in autocad

i do not know what to do when elevation and sections are required

save the model or the section and elevation views?

i have a lot of large families in my projects and i learned that when editing these , one should not do a lot of these in one go

and than open the project file, because if one of these became corrupt during editing the project file can crash and you do not know which onecoursed the crash .

purge each one after editing, close and than open the family with an audit.then load into project.

all very laborious.

i found this out after a project crashed

then i purged and audited the family

opened the crashed file (not the recovery file)

and it opened without crashing 

i would like some comments from some more experienced users.

they might thing it is a lot of gobldygook.

also i like to hear what the machine configurations are of  people have which do jobs over 50 to 100mb

and those that have jobs over 100mb 

i like working with revit and i hope that i can find a solution so that i can keep going on with it.


cheers and good luck




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Mon, Aug 13, 2007 at 8:24:29 AM | Crashes with Architecture 2008




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Actually right now the best thing for an OS to run Revit on is probably still probably XP.  If you really want to boost your praformance, XP x64 is definatly the way to go right now.  It is comparable to Vista with out the graphics, usage of ram, and the problems.  XP x64 is just as good as Vista right now and can support just as much Ram and all with out using as much as Vista does.  Right now Xp x64 is running around $90, so really it is a much better buy than Vista is.

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Tue, Aug 14, 2007 at 8:19:34 PM | Crashes with Architecture 2008



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getting your display card to work properly with the revit software is very very important.everyone needs to upgrade their video cards, like yesterday.  that was one issue with crashing that was resolved.then go get the correct and current driver for the video card, and make sure it works well with revit.  we are talking ~$100 for the display cardat this firm, there was a problem in Revit 2008 where the permissions were not granted to Revit to create temp and journal files and whatever else it accesses and does behind the scenes.   this took too long to access because i was restricted as a regular user, as opposed to administrator user and Revit crashed out.   if you work in a firm that has this set-up, you need to find where Revit writes its files to.  Allow permission to these directories, and Revit will work smoothly.  THIS WAS THE MAIN PROBLEM, AND INSTANTLY FIXED THE CRASHINGI complained to the IT guy here at work that I needed more memory (i have 2 gigs already) --this was not the case, as a quick look at the "task manager" of my machine which said only 800Mb was being used total.  Then I got a new machine because i wouldn't stop complaining, a 2.66 intel core 2 duo processor, with one processor dedicated to Revit soley.  I noticed better zooming and panning, 3-d rotating and better multi-tasking (AutoCAD + Revit + outlook simultaneously)  Its not a quad core 64 bit with Vista, but what can you do when you aren't paying for it?I have not crashed even once since the permissions on my computer have been granted for Revit to do its thing.and there i was complaining every day for 2 weeks about how i needed more memory. what a jerk i look like now.AutoDesk exxagerates the minimum requirements to work with the max load Revit will ever need.  Open a few things and check the task manager and see for yourself how much is being used.If you are not skilled in computers, or have no idea what I just said,GET YOURSELF AN I.T. GUY IMMEDIATELY.  Very importantyou think you are saving money, but not maintaining and properly setting up Revit to begin with is the biggest waste of time and biggest mistake and biggest headache you will ever make...and don't come on here and talk a bunch of smack if you don't fully understand what you are doing/saying.  some of these posts are poorly written and full of misinformation, just as i had presumed since I read the minimum requirements from Autodesk.  LEAVE IT TO THE I.T. GUY.    YOU ARE AN ARCHITECT !   i only go into detail this much because that is all i understand about computers.  don't be guessing on this forum trying to help people. you are not helpingYou don't go to the car repair shop and tell the guy how to fix your car, you don't go to the doctor and tell him how to get you back to good health...  so once again, LEAVE IT TO THE I.T. GUY.   very importantgood luck and good night


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Wed, Aug 29, 2007 at 4:30:59 PM | Crashes with Architecture 2008




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I've recently started using REVIT Architecture 2008 and have been getting this error message all day. It seems to happen when I try to insert a window family which I created (the window family is fairly simple).  See image attached for error message.  Any suggestions would be more then welcome.

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Fri, Oct 19, 2007 at 7:46:00 AM | Crashes with Architecture 2008




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Gone South that oculd be caused by a number of issues. Try doing an audot on the file if that doens't work then you really have 2 options. 1 send it off to Autodesk support or 2 go back to some of the backups and see which one opens fine. Then do an audit on the file.

 If you don't know how to do an audit just go File Open>and click on the Audit command near the bottom right.


Robert you really need to try and bring your files down in size. Are you using a lot of Autocad files or in place families? Do you purge regularly? I know that you do a file Save As quite often so it can't really can't be that. 

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Fri, Oct 19, 2007 at 10:44:01 AM | Crashes with Architecture 2008




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 Thanks for the tips. I tried all those along the way. Sure enough I found out that Revit had a bad sector. I had to uninstall and then reinstall Revit altogether. It fixed all my errors.


thanks again.



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Mon, Oct 22, 2007 at 6:48:44 PM | Crashes with Architecture 2008




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I am under the impression that Autodesk updates the software approximately every 3 months and if your build is from March you might want to reinstall the software with the latest build.  Each updated build is supposed to contain fixes to common problems and some of your fatal errors could be already addressed.  Good luck.

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