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Forums >> Revit Building >> Technical Support >> Importing a file containing imports.
Joined: Thu, May 25, 2006
24 Posts No Rating |
I would like to import a few house types into a residential SDP. In turn this SDP is to be imported into a site Master-plan. The house types are visible in the SDP, but when the SDP is imported into the Master-plan the house types are not visible. Is it possible to do this “double-import”?
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Joined: Fri, Mar 2, 2007
68 Posts
Try to copy the SDP and house plans onto your masterplan rather than importing it twice? It should work!
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Joined: Thu, May 25, 2006
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Copying will work, but will be of no use in this exercise. We need to have flexibility of design and interaction between all the house types and SDP’s ie. When we amend a house plan all relevant imports in the SDP need to update (32 houses per SDP) In turn, when adjustments are made to the SDP updates need to be automatic in the Master-plan too (9 SDP’s per Master-plan.) If the design was finished the copying option would a workable solution, but we see plenty of redesign in the future.
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Joined: Fri, Mar 2, 2007
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Then you will have to either workset your project or work with linked files. I have not done this yet but heard that linked files work great. This will give the option to change the designs easily and update them into the global SDP Each house plan will have to be made a seperate linked file. See also managing links in your REVIT help files. Just remember your pc will slowdown the more links you have! Goodluck! Let me know if you get it to work!
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Joined: Thu, May 25, 2006
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The linking has been attempted. It works great if you have 1 file (File A) linked to a master file (File B). The problem arises once you have links to File A. (File C) Ie: Import or link File C into File A. Each time File C is amended it updates in File A. Now import File A into File B. Every time File A is amended it updates in File B. All the work done in File A works perfectly except for all the imports in the original file (File C is absent / not visible in File B). Importing File A and File C into File B will force us to do repetitive work and Revit sells it self as doing away with inefficient scenarios. As for the mentioned Worksets. I have limited knowledge on the workings or limitations of this, but will give it a go.
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Joined: Fri, Mar 2, 2007
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It does not make sense to me that the linked file (C) does not show up in File (B) Heve you tried linking file (A) & (C) seperatly to file (B) rather than linking File (A) + (C) as one entity to (B) ??? Just a thought! You probably have tried this already! The only other way of doing this seems to be a combination of worksets and linked files. Goodluck johann and keep in touch let me know when solving this problem!
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Joined: Fri, Mar 2, 2007
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Read post "Site plans and Linking with Master files" seems to have some answers to similar problem!
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