Are you ready for this reply? It can get complicated. You can either make a different pipe family for each category, or set up one pipe family with many different parameter settings to separate the pipe types. In option one, you could essentially copy the pipe family file and just rename it. But then you have many different pipe families to choose from and the operator could accidentally choose the wrong pipe when placing it in the family. You can set up a new object style in the family that will allow you to control colors within the project. Option two is a scripting mess waiting to happen but can be done with some knowledge on parametric formulas and a lot of patience. The advantage, obviously having everything contained in one file. The disadvantage is that there would be a lot of filtering and object style setup required in the project to do this. If you will be doing this a lot, you can build the filters and object styles into the default template you use for new projects and this would save you tons of time. Well, I think I got you started. There is a chance I only confused you though. So let me know if you need any further assistance. Good luck!
Carl - rkitecsure[at]
Need help? I'm probably in my chat room!
You fell victim to one of the classic blunders. The most famous is never get involved in a land war in asia, but only slightly less well known is this! Never go in against a Sicilian when death is on the line! |