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Wed, Dec 3, 2003 at 8:18:00 AM | AU2003 - News from the Front




Joined: Sat, Jun 14, 2003
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Ladies, Gentlement, Lend me your Ears, as I try and recount my first day at AU2003. Hopefully all of you who couldn't attend can vicariously experience the same excitement and sensations that I am enjoying for yet another year. The day started out with an awesome presentation by Mike Vaughn and Matt Jezyk of Revit on the new features and tools, and how to use them, titled: "Getting Update on the New Autodesk Revit." Some of the new tools covered by others in earlier threads really enhance the power of Revit. I won't reiterate what my esteemed colleagues have already espewed, but I can't wait to download my copy of R6.0 and get my hands-on experience come December 16th. I am sure the Internet band width is going to look and feel like every Reviteer is sucking a Terrabit of bytes through a soda straw and I am anticipating a download time on my T100 dedicdated pipeline of hours or days to geet my copy on my desktop. I followed the "Getting Update on the New Autodesk Revit" class with Lay Fox's "Autodesk Revit File Sharing without SRefs". Chris is organized and focused. His presentation like his thought process flowed smoothly through the hour and half session as he covered Importing and Managing files from other raster and vector based software. Chris's explanations explored all aspects of the interface and dialog windows associated with Image and CAD interoperability in Revit. The topic, although not as exciting as the preceeding Revit 6.0 update and soon to follow Free Form Design session, was critical in it's content and extremely important to everyone attending or using Revit in an AutoCAD centric world. Chris started with Image imports followed by CAD files, which he covered so completely that novice and experienced Revit user alike felt they gained new insights and understanding working with imported files. Chris tied together all sorts of options, settings and laid out concepts for critical thinking on managing imported data. All in attendance were walked gently but thoroughly through every nook and cranny of Revits Import and Export features. Chris explored linking and layer management of CAD files, along with manipulatgion of Object Styles (linetypes, color, etc.) for imported objects. His explanation for managing layers on imported CAD files made the process easy to understand, but more importantly his demonstration showed how easy it can be to setup standards once to exchange files between Revit and consultants, contractors and clients using AutoCAD or Microstation. Chris is the pen-ultimate techno-file (not to be confused with pedo-file)and listening to him was effortless. Except for the brief break to stand up and stretch, get some water, I never felt uncomfortable sitting and listening to Chris's presenation and demonstration. Hat off to Chris, who is an outstanding instructor and true technician on Revit and CAD master. Free Form Design Studies with Richard Taylor from RevitThis class was great!!! Richard walked us through in-place families creation. Over covered solids (extrude, sweep, revolve and blend) creating roof and wall families and there VOIDS. It was impressive to see Richard defly handle building modeling design shapes that would rival Frank Gerhey. Too bad Richard was having a bad design day and so was his hair. We could have used "Queer Eyes for the Straight Guy". It was walls, roofs and accuturements, OH MY! Richard's creation were impressive. I immediately returned to the room, fired up the Dell Inspiron 8500 with 15.4" screen, connected my portable Dell 3400mp projector to display a 50" image on the wall and started to play with in-place families, SOLIDS and VOIDS, creating shapes and poking them here and there. It was enervating as I created sweep, revolved, blended and extruded shapes unitl my eyes were bleary and tears of joy streamed down my cheeks as the liberation from everyday rectangles, angles and curves seet my project soaring. I felt like a god (lower case albeit) as my new shapes took on an ethereal look and the heavens opened to reveal a new dawn. A group from down under, Australia that is, presented samples of their work, which showed that there are clients projects that rock. The two projects presented demonstrated the need for many of the in-place family creation features and tools and how they can artfully be used and blended to create exciting arhitectural work, as well as demonstrate the POWER of "R". Richard's class was "to die for" and we all left the class, novice and experienced Reviteer alike, reanimated after ten hours of classes, breaks and lunch this first day of AU ready to face the AUGI meeting and Beer Bash. It was a GREAT 1ST DAY and I feel like a kid again, who can't wait for Christmas morning to come so I can see all my new presents and play with them throughout the coming year until AU2004 and Christmas comes again. Signing off at 5:20am Wednesday moring AU2003 in Las Vegas and wishing all a GOOD NIGHT! Join me tomorrow, same time same station for further updates and blatherings from the front.

Mel Persin, Architect-AIA

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Wed, Dec 3, 2003 at 9:02:25 AM | RE: AU2003 - News from the Front



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Thanks for keeping us posted Mel! I guess that means R6.0 is coming out on Dec 16??!!! I'm excited to see what we're getting in the new release! thanks!


Hiroshi Jacobs

The Catholic University of America

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