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Forums >> Revit Building >> Technical Support >> Can't associate
Joined: Wed, Sep 27, 2006
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I'm having problems getting an extrusion to associate to a work plane. I made it in another family and copied it into this one because most of it was the same minus the semi complex pattern in the middle. Now the pattern won't rehost or show a work plane, so it gets burried in the walls.
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Joined: Sun, Nov 27, 2005
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I looked at it. Not sure what you are trying to make. I couldn't find the Void or opening and there are no controles or locks for the Bricks part. Is this a window or some sort of detail component?
----------------------------------- BallewDesigns.com |
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Joined: Wed, Sep 27, 2006
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Its a fake window. There is a lattice pattern over it and there isn't a void because... its fake. Its meant to keep the rythem of the facade going where we can't have windows in the interior because of walls, also because of the number of openings we have in the shell (had to take out a few windows.) I haven't been using locks much because most of what I'm making on this project is custom, and family types don't make sense because the windows and doors are so different from the next. Nice last name btw.
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Joined: Sun, Nov 27, 2005
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I have updated a few things on the family. I wouldn't make it a window if it is just a wall detail. It will show up in your window schedule plus it's not a window. I always try to make familys adjustable. The problem your detail had is that it couldn't adjust for different wall thicknesses. I added a bunch of locks and a few referance planes so that is could stay on the face of the wall. Let me know if this helps. P.S.= Not many Ballew's. Wonder if we are distant relations?
----------------------------------- BallewDesigns.com |
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Joined: Wed, Sep 27, 2006
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Yeah, that fixed the problem on that one. But I went to another file that i made off that one and have attempted to do the same thing (that I think you did) to it, but the result is a consistent crash. Since then a lot of my families I've been working on today have crashed revit. So I'm starting to wonder if something is screwy in the install or if something got messed up... ps, I'm from Dallas, family goes back for most of Texas history. But my dad did remarry like 10 times so he is spreading the name around the country...
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Joined: Sun, Apr 25, 2004
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Family creation is a complex process and after four years of Revit experience I am just starting to get a good handle on it. The best advice I can give you is to read read read all you can on family creation. Go to the Autodesk University site and create an free account to download the handouts and view the recorded classes. The basics of family creation starts with reference planes and labels/fields. I added just a couple to your family and aligned and locked one to the wall face and then created another to constrain the depth of the lattice work. I then aligned and locked the lattice extrusions to these ref planes. The reason I did this is because I took the wall host called wall1, duplicated it and created a wall2 and gave it a thickness of a foot. I saw when I did this that your extrusions were not locked tot he face of the wall properly. If I were creating this family, I would probably have about a dozen of so more reference planes and reference lines I would have added. It is only after the reference planes are created and flexed for error checking that I would start adding geometry to the mix. When you load this component into a project, it will be available from the component menu for placement since it was created as a 'generic model' HTH
Tom www.reviteer.com http://twitter.com/Reviteer |
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Joined: Sun, Nov 27, 2005
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Seems to work on my system. Try reloading Revit. My dad is from Ft.Worth. Could be a connection there.
----------------------------------- BallewDesigns.com |
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Joined: Mon, Jun 27, 2005
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If you want to learn about families go to cdvsystems.com for $30.00 they have some exclent videos on how to make families its worth the money.
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