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Forums >> Revit Building >> Technical Support >> Property Boundary Creation
Joined: Thu, May 25, 2006
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Our local property data consist of a distance measurement for each side and an angle for each corner. The values for the majority of these angles are in excess of 100deg. Feeding this information into Revit is impossible as it allows only for angles between 0 and 90deg.
This may be a situation unique to South Africa as a locally developed drafting program allows for these angles. I have contacted our Revit agents and they seem to be aware of this shortcoming but with no solution.
Does anybody have advice? I’d prefer not to draw the property line manually.
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Joined: Mon, Jul 4, 2005
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Did you try "property line" under the SITE pull down? I typically use the table and haven't run into any obstacles.
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Joined: Tue, Sep 12, 2006
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This may help to understand how bearings work: The standard notation for the compass direction starts with either North or South and ends with either East or West. The N/S tells you which half of the 360 degree compass you are in and the E/W tells you which side of either North or South you are bearing towards. In between is a number of degrees and maybe minutes and seconds that tell you how far away from due North (or South) you are heading towards East (or West). A degree is 1/360th of a complete circle, but since the N/S and E/W have narrowed it down to one quadrant (or 'quarter'), of the compass directions, the largest degree value possible in a survey bearing is 90. A minute is 1/60th of a degree and a second is 1/60th of a minute. So, the survey bearing N 20° 30' 00" E (the ° sign stands for degrees, ' stands for minutes, and " stands for seconds) means the survey line heads a bit more than 20 degrees to the East of due North. To head due West, a survey would say either S 90° 00' 00" W or N 90° 00' 00".
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