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Forums >> Community >> The Studio >> PURCHASING REVIT - WHERE IS THE BEST PLACE?
Joined: Tue, Jun 20, 2006
1 Posts No Rating |
I have recently graduated and need to purchase a full version of Revit Series 9.0. I have a few questions and would like some guidance please.
1. Does it matter where I purchace the software? I want a legal version of course, but does it really pay to shop around or does Autodesk dictate the price regardless. If not, where would anyone recommend I go to purchase Revit series 9.0?
2. Why does it appear difficult to find pricing for the software online?
3. Subscription or no subscription? I understand that this provides you the next upgrade when it comes out. However already spending a lot of monay on the software itself. I might have to do the subscription a little later.
4. On a side note, I might have to find a way to finance the purchase - any recommendations on that, if any.
Thanks for you help,
I look forward to your comments.
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Joined: Mon, Jun 19, 2006
144 Posts
1. It does matter where you buy it from when it comes to buying form other countires. There are some legal issues there.
2. Rather get it from your local your local Reseller. It tends to be the same price as the other resellers. It's just a matter of who provides better support.
3. Subsription si the way to go. With Revit it is better to be on the latest release since you can't go backwards with the software. This way if you need to share info with other people you tend to always be on the same versions.
4.Note sure, but most subscription providers tend make a plan with you. They aren't evil people you know.
Go to Autodesks website to find your closest local provider.
As a side note. Make sure the PC that you are going to install Revit on is a good machine. Spend the money on it cause you don't want to have to wait for things to happen which will take away time from actually doing work.
Cheers Elmo.
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