Hi everybody, I am new in this forum. I have a question maybe someone knows the answer.
I have 3 files in revit Architecture. 1.- OS Plan.rvt. main file.
I drew a topography there and I did subregion with different materials sucha us area neighbour, house neighbour, park, sidewalk... 2.- House 1.rvIt is a mass with 3 levels. The mass floors is activate, I want to see the floors in each level to create a schedule (floor area) 3.- House 2.rvtIt is other mass with other shape and differents levels.
Every file is placed in the same origen and the same angle orientation. (That is perfect)
The main file is OS Plan.rvt.I inserted (link revit) the files House 1.rvt and House 2.rvt in OS Plan.rvt everything match perfect.But in the files House 1.rvt and House 2.rvt I create a schedule to know the floor area (mass), but I can't see these schedules in the main project OS Plan.rvt adf
Files House 1.rvt and House 2.rvt I can see the schedules, it is working very well.
I drew the houses in different projects because they have different levels with each other.And also because I will draw more things in these files without the topographic.Any help please.Do you thing the concept IS OK?Are there other solution to work better linking files Revit without problem in schedules?Are there any way to see the schedule in one file link?Thanks a lot