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Forums >> Revit Building >> Technical Support >> DWG export: Layer Modifier data - RVT2014

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Wed, Nov 12, 2014 at 9:43:57 AM | DWG export: Layer Modifier data - RVT2014




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Hey there!


I've started the work to define my offices export setup standards, and I am running in to some problems. I've been all over internet and I can't seem to find the answer I am looking for, I'm starting to think that I am looking for the wrong one =)


Our office is mainly using autocad still, but is starting to convert to revit. Since more than half of our small office is running acad we need to syncronize our exportsettings to make the workflow a little more consistent.


I have grasped the idea of how to rename layers via the Modify DWF/DXF Export setup dialogue. I understand that you can "manualy" apply layer names to categories/subcategories and "automatically" generate aditional naming via layer modifiers. The problem is I just can't seem to grasp how to change the information generated with layer modifiers. Here's an example to try to better visualize my question:


with our A-cad standards we name the layer for interior doors "A-43CC--E-" and our exterior doors and windows "A-42D---E-"

In the Setup we have the layers for doors set to "A-" with the Layer modifiers set to "{Doors}{Function}" this makes changing the function of the door family between interior/exterior generate the correct names. this is perfect, but however isn't the case for all categories.

My question is: where do i find/change the information that the interior/exterior parameter "publish" to the layer names?

What if I would like to change my exterior doors to have the layer "A-43D---E-"? there must be somewere to swap the "42D" to something else?


Any help here would be greatly appriciatied



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Wed, Nov 12, 2014 at 10:01:14 AM | DWG export: Layer Modifier data - RVT2014



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I don't believe you will be able to control this in that way without some specially written apps or programming in CAD.


But here is my recommendation.   DON'T DO THIS!   Most of us here started off with AutoCAD and we went through the conversion process.   I'm quite sure that most here will tell you this.  Revit is NOT CAD and to try to make it conform to CAD standards will drive you nuts.  This just can't be done easily, if at all.   You are far better off to develope good Revit standards based on Revid processes and to use Revit totally for specific portions of a project rather than half and half. 


If you can, start with smaller projects and assign the staff to do it completely in Revit.   Do your floor plans/elevations and even sections in REVIT.  If you want to leave detailing in CAD then you can do that but don't try to export Revit plans to be used and modified in CAD.   FAR FAR Easier to do all of that in Revit. 


And once you have a full project or two under your belt, that staff will scream if they have to do anything in CAD.  Our people here refuse to do anything in CAD.   Even 2D detailing is far easier in Revit.

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Wed, Nov 12, 2014 at 4:07:43 PM | DWG export: Layer Modifier data - RVT2014




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Thanks for the reply!


if it was up to me I would Autocad but unfortunately this is not the case. At our office we are only 2 engineers working with revit atm, and all of our architects are still in aoutocad. We are currently producing all drawings in revit but we still have to do some kind o9f collaboration between the two programs. (I'm guessing we'll be using some details from autocad mostly). Most of the time we are exporting DWG to our architects for some designwork and we would like to get the exports as close to our office standards as possible. 

Appart from that we are exporting alot of DWG to other consultants and have to follow the standards set by our clients, so I really have to learn how to controll this as good as possible. Im having a hard time getting a grasp on what layer modifier is connected to what element parameter. If you can point me to any good information about how the different layer modifier works it would be very helpful. I have only found very vague information about this so far.


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Thu, Nov 13, 2014 at 7:30:07 AM | DWG export: Layer Modifier data - RVT2014



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There is very little documentation available on what you are asking.  This Help section is a starting point:

I assume this is what you are talking about "Export all properties BYLAYER, and create new layers for overrides."


I don't believe you will find any good answers to this except from autodesk.   I assume you did your do dillegence and already looked through all the available apps.


I still don't understand why the need for this layer control.   You said "we are exporting DWG to our architects for some designwork".  Dewsignwork does not require layer standards.


I hope you are not modifying each time you export and that you created your own file.



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Fri, Nov 14, 2014 at 1:30:02 AM | DWG export: Layer Modifier data - RVT2014




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thx again for the reply.

I have been through that help section (and a bunch of forums and online guides) a bunch of times, but everywhere I look information stops when things start to get interesting...

we finally decided on what path to go and what compromises to do, and hopefully that will work fine in the end. The main reason we wanted to get the export settings as close to our office standards is that the architects are used to work with them, and it is already customized to fit our biggest clients cad-standards.

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