Joined: Wed, Feb 26, 2014
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Hi everyone.
I am very new to Revit, I've only just come back from a 3 day training course in Revit Architecture Basics. Myself and a colleague were sent for the training and have been tasked with developing a systematic approach for modelling cleanrooms for our firm, and then teaching the other designers how to use Revit.
I have no doubt that what we want to achieve can be done in Revit, but I am rather unsure of where to start. I did a search of previous Revit City forums and found somebody had posed a similar question back in 2010. The proposed solution was to create a new curtain wall family to act as panels.
I shall explain what we are hoping to do, and a little bit about our system. I have attached an autocad file as a sample work to help make the following paragraph more clear.
We supply metal cleanroom wall and walk-on ceiling panels. These have a variety of core types (low density rockwool, high density rockwool, aluminium honeycomb). They are 50mm thick. In most cases they sit on 100mm high aluminium base track, though not in all cases. A standard panel is manufactured at 1200mm wide, but we can get 'special' panels made from 150mm - 1199mm. There is no such thing as a standard height panel, as it is project specific. The maximum height we can have a standard panel manufactured is 6000mm, but we prefer not to go above 5000mm for practicality reasons. If a standard panel runs into a wall (e.g., another cleanroom wall), it is cut on site during installation, and powdercoated aluminium coving is added, and silicone sealant. We also supply cleanroom doors and windows. In cases where there's a panel required between two doors or a door and a window etc - as per attached drawing - we put a special panel in, as we cannot just cut a 1200mm panel. Where we have a door, we need an overdoor panel. Where we have a window, we need an over panel and an under panel.
I need to know where to begin with designing this system as a wall type, in a fashion where it will enable me to schedule panel quantities, over door panels, etc.
Any and all help with this would be greatly appreciated. There will be a thousand other questions after I can get a wall system established (we do cleanroom grid ceilings and walk-on ceilings too... which bring another lot of questions!)
Now that I'm going to be using Revit, I'm looking forward to being an active member of Revitcity
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Joined: Tue, May 16, 2006
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This really does look like a curtainwall. The mullions are your gaskets between panels or there just are no mullions - only a joint.
So - start experimenting with curtainwalls.
Joined: Wed, Feb 26, 2014
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Thank you for your answer!
What would you suggest for the aluminium base channel? Should that be made part of the curtain wall system, or would that be a separate component?