I have two parameters in my schedule - Scheduled Area (manually inputted area) and Actual Area (the revit measurement) in sqm.
I then have a calculated value to work out the difference between them. In the calculated parameter I also have an IF function so that it only calculated the difference if the Scheduled area is not 0sqm.
This is because we have a SoA with specific areas for many of the rooms. However, many of them do not have areas as they are "to the architect's design" i.e Toilets. We need to be able to calculate the difference between the total of the scheduled areas and our total for those areas (excluding the rooms that didn't have scheduled areas.) So we can prove how close we are to the scheduled area. (BID requirement)
Using the IF function I can get it to only work out the difference if the value is over 0sqm - however, to get it to work I have to tell it to put a value of 0 for those rooms without a scheduled area as Revit needs a value when the parameter is a number/length/area etc.
Does anyone know a work around for this? In Excel you can get it replace 0's with blanks quite easily but Revit doesn't want to.
Current Calculated Parameter - If(Scheduled Area > 0, (Actual Area - Scheduled Area Total),0)
Have a feeling I know the answer but thought I'd try..?
Thanks in advance