Joined: Wed, May 2, 2012
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Mega issue causing me to want to smash my computer, and I am hoping it is an easy fix!
TWO of my elevation markers have disappeared in plan view. Gone. Not there. Off with the fairies.
The elevations themselves ARE still there, and I need desperately to change the point at which the elevation is cutting through in front of my building as the slab is obscuring the building itself! But I can't locate the elevation markers anymore, and YES they used to be there!?
They are NOT turned off, in any way, they are NOT outside of the crop region, they are NOT on another phase, and the view range is not stopping them from being seen as there are still TWO elevation markers visible.?! I just don't get it?
Has anyone ever come up against this problem, I have done too much work to getting the elevations to look correct, noting, dimensioning etc to have to delete the elevations and start again. That's just NOT an option.
I could turn off the slab, but that defeeats the purpose as i will then have to draw a "dummy" slab and this will get increasingly annoying if the site levels need to be modified.
Going out of my mind.
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Joined: Fri, Nov 12, 2010
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Make sure that the elevation marker its self is not show up to not show in any views scaled smaller than whatever you plan scale is)
Joined: Fri, Sep 22, 2006
759 Posts
I believe what Tea is saying and I think he is right. If you create a view in 1/4" scale say then decide to change the scale of that drawing to 1/8" the view marker will not show.
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Joined: Tue, May 16, 2006
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I'm sorry but you are incorrect - what tea is saying is correct. Changing the view scale does not matter if the elevation marker's properties are not set not to show at scales smaller than the scale you are changing to.
The point is - this is another view control option that you can set.