Joined: Fri, Apr 15, 2011
2 Posts No Rating |
I have a table that I would like to add an image of copper finish to its top. How can I do that? Your detailed answer would
be really appreciated! Thanks.
Joined: Sat, Oct 22, 2011
14 Posts No Rating |
If the table is a family/component you will need to open it or "Edit Family" in order to change its materials.
You will want to click the manage tab in the ribbon, then click Materials. From there you will want to select a material similar to what you are after (in this case a metal material), right click & duplicate that material. Then rename it to whatever you want.
Then get into that materials appearance settings & you can load your image in as the material, and the physical attributes of metal should apply to it assuming the base material you duplicated is close to what you want. You can then fine tune with the sliders & options. You can also load that same image for the bump texture too if its not a smooth flat material, and then play with the bump setting to get it looking right in the preview window.
You will most likely need to scale the material if you are using an image, which can be done in the same tab that you chose the image to load up. There is an option for "edit image" and in there you can set how large the image "tile" will be. If you want the image to cover the full table you will want to set the scale to the dimensions of the table (or just a hair larger). Dont forget to edit the bump image too, and have that scale match.
Then in the modify tab on the ribbon, click the material painting tool, select your new custom material in the popup window, and then click the table top surface. Rinse & repeat as necessary.