Joined: Thu, Mar 15, 2012
4 Posts
a Revit newbie here looking for help.
i come from decades of Autocad use, really like colors for the different linetypes, objects.
the contrast helps me see things better.
i set Revit 2011 to give me colors for the different BIM objects, but i can only print these items in the colors i've assigned.
does anyone know a way that i can keep my beloved colors and print in black?
Joined: Thu, May 28, 2009
829 Posts
When you're in print setup, you can choose color, grayscale, or black lines for your print.
My concern is that if you have any gray/screened/hidden lines, these too would print black. For example, many of my hatches use lines that are 50, 30% gray. This is just as arbitrary as choosing a color, so revit has no way of distinguishing between them. However, I suspect the "halftone" modifier might still allow lines to print gray. Just a hunch. Filled regions that are solid gray still print solid gray. Overriding cut patterns of walls with a poche still looks okay, no solid black blobs for example.
This might suit your needs, but I don't know. Personally, I work with all black lines, and print in grayscale.
In the early days my office wanted to conform our revit linestyles to our cad standards, and it wasn't pretty. However, if you are used to inverting your background color to work on black with white lines, that's an easy fix by going to "the big R"/options/graphics/invert background.
Joined: Thu, Mar 15, 2012
4 Posts
thanks a lot!!!
big help.
and, i'm getting ready to buy Revit 2013.
what's your take on it?
you can respond straight to my email: