Hi there.
I have encountered a problem with a model group I am using in a job at the moment at work.
Basically, it comprises of a set of 4x2 units (which are all the same) that have been placed on the site. In order to save time, I have grouped 1 set of units which enables me to edit one and have the others change simultaneously.
These units include a few structural columns which provide support for a roof overhang over a deck, and some sun screening.
However, upon grouping all the instances (for one set of units), Revit has come up with this error message:
Group members had to be "moved to the project" (removed from their group instance) because they were not consistent with the group type definition.
Upon this message arising, some of the columns have been placed outside of the group which I believe shouldn't happen.
I have re-loaded several different column families to see if it is just a problem with one family, however I am still getting the same problem with the other families.
There also seems to be a problem with the columns and their placing on the levels in the group. Ie I cannot change the Base / Top Level or the Offsets for these levels when the column is inside the model group.
If anybody can assist me with some information regarding this dilemma, it would be greatly appreciated.