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Fri, Nov 18, 2011 at 8:48:54 AM | Worksharing through VPN




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We have a Central file at the office and 2 local files. We need to work from home over the weekend. What is the best way to do it?

I read that you can only do it with only one user, but not with 2. I also read that in these cases the best way is through a VPN connection. How do I set up a simple/free VPN connection? Is Teamwiewer an option?

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Fri, Nov 18, 2011 at 8:51:58 AM | Worksharing through VPN




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I forgot to mention we are using Revit 2010.

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Fri, Nov 18, 2011 at 9:20:01 AM | Worksharing through VPN



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If you use VPN, you can have as many users as you want since basically, they are working within the network.  They just have to work in their own locals.


If you are working disconnected from the network, there are a lot of issues if more than one wants to work.  Basically, you need to checkout worksets.

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Fri, Nov 18, 2011 at 10:07:22 AM | Worksharing through VPN




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Should I use the VPN connection from Teamviewer? Or is Remote desktop the best option?

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Fri, Nov 18, 2011 at 10:12:21 AM | Worksharing through VPN



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I can't answer what is best, I'm not an IT person.  We use remote desktop logging in through our network. 

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Fri, Nov 18, 2011 at 12:52:54 PM | Worksharing through VPN



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You have to login to your VPN first then connect to your workstation via remote desktop. there are other solutions that allow multiple users per workstation. I can get you in touch with people that have developed this tech but it is not free.

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Fri, Nov 18, 2011 at 4:39:11 PM | Worksharing through VPN




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So there is no way I can continue working from home for free if I am doing worksharing?

Teamviewer VPN connection is not an option?

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Fri, Nov 18, 2011 at 5:23:37 PM | Worksharing through VPN



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no you missunderstood or i wasnt clear. you can use teamviewer VPN from home. I have never used teamviewer. I have used gotomypc with great success without the need for a VPN connection.


you can not workshare just by accessing a file through VPN. you must connect to your VPN then remote desktop to the workstation that is in your office connected physically to your network.

Edited on: Fri, Nov 18, 2011 at 5:25:37 PM

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Wed, Jul 15, 2015 at 8:06:06 PM | Worksharing through VPN




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alabaster -  you are incorrect, it is completely possible to access and edit central files through VPN file sharing, the only thing you have to watch out for is the drive letter you asign to the remotely accessed (mapped) network drive. The drive where we keep central models at our office is P:, alll I had to do was asign the same letter P: to my network drive when mapping it (after setting up VPN), so when i open remotely, it appears to revit that I am opening the file off the right drive (which I am) once you get the file open (which can take a while depending on size) it is just like working in the office, just with slower syncs and saves to central. (I only save to central when I am ready to quit.) Other than that I have found it to be a completely workable solution. Just my 2c, dont mean to call anyone out.

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Tue, Nov 8, 2016 at 3:20:24 PM | Worksharing through VPN



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Before I retired, I bought a new Revit ready system with Windows 10 and my IT at the office installed Revit 2015, 2016 etc on the system   We then set it up with Cisco AnyConnect so that I could log into the office network.   This allowed me to work from home by pulling my license from the network license manager.   I could open any central and create my own local files on my system.  This eliminated all of the video slowdown you have from using remote desktop.  Everything worked fine.


After a few months, I retired and of course lost the VPN connection and my revit license.  So no Revit for a while.  (Working with Autodesk on other solutions).


This week the office hired me to do some consulting so we fired up the system with new identity and password.  Logged into network, started Revit and got my license but then.... 


In the network project files, there are two - 2016 central files.  One is 35,xxxkb and I have no problem opening that, saving a local on my system and saving to central.  The other file is a 220,xxxkb 2016 file but when I open, the 'create local' is unchecked and ghosted.   The file opens, saves but can not find the central.  Using the find central does not work.


Does anybody else do this?   Is Autodesk in the process of locking things up so you have to use their cloud?

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Thu, Dec 15, 2016 at 6:51:13 AM | Worksharing through VPN



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Our IT setup our network so we can login through our VPN then use a 'Remode Desktop' to log into our computer at work.  Then you just run that as if you were in the office.  No restrictions on users other than only one system / user in the office.


I liked better the pull a license at home and run Revit but linked to a central at the office.  When you use Remote Desktop, there is a slow-down because all of the graphics has to be transferred.

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Thu, Dec 15, 2016 at 7:38:18 AM | Worksharing through VPN



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Remote Desktop is a free and effective solution. Speak to your office IT guy to give you the access details and then just use Windows' Remote Desktop to connect up.I would highlight though that a fast home internet connection is better. A slow one will cause lag and this can cause frustration.There are other options to consider though:OPTION 2If your office has a Revit license then a software called Revit Server is included for free. If your IT department is advanced enough they can set this up for you would access it direct through Revit software running on your home computer. You would effectively be working on a local file based at your home on your computer and it would save via Revit Server to your office server where the central file would be located. 3If your office IT is not as advanced, there is a cloud based solution called Collaboration For Revit (C4R). It is not free. The rough cost is $100 USD per seat per month. You can run as many projects as you want on it but only one user can use it at a time. C4R works by placing the central model in the cloud ( An AutoDesk Server Close to You), you then access it direct through Revit.

The most important thing in working with either of these options is to run your model as efficiently as you can. That is, purge it of as much redundant content as possible. Remove as many linked files as possible. The smaller and less complex the model file is the quicker the data can transfer to your remote location and less risk of corruption.



__________I'm the guy they come to when they didn't follow my recommended workflows.__________

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Tue, Feb 7, 2017 at 7:55:54 AM | Worksharing through VPN



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Do you really know what you are asking?  It sure isn't clear to me.

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