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Thu, Nov 3, 2011 at 11:25:52 AM | Furniture and Molding.




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Hi all,

I'm new to revit (using 2012) and I've started to understand the basics by watching videos and reading tutorials, but when it comes to doing detail work, I'm lost.


First off, how on earth do I make crown molding? I've used the search feature on the forum, but what I've read must not work on 2012. Or maybe it does and I'm just incompetent. I've tried just making a duplicate of a wall, then going into edit family, and there is no option for me to sweep or extrude anything.


Beyond that, I've been reading about how to make furniture, and I can now make basic objects, but the project I'm working on has lots of ornate pieces. For instance, how would I make a cabriole leg? I tried using the sweep blend option by first making a path of the cabriole leg (an S shape approximately with two arcs), then I was going to make a small oval on the reverence level and a big oval on the seat level. What didn't work out was revit told me I couldn't use more than one curve when I was sketching the path. Why the heck not? If I can't make an S shape path, how else will I make this leg?


Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance!



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Thu, Nov 3, 2011 at 11:44:14 AM | Furniture and Molding.



mbsteve Avatar

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Crown moulding usually is done as a sweep, this really is very simple.

The furniture leg is a little more difficult. This will require several sweeps and sweep blends, and maybe a revolve. You are on the right path, a sweep blend will work for the curved portion of the leg I think. Have you ever seen how the real leg is made. It is quite interesting.

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Thu, Nov 3, 2011 at 12:12:14 PM | Furniture and Molding.



AbsoluteBIM Avatar

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For moulding, there are a few ways. All involve having a profile family loaded into your project.

1. You can build the sweep directly into your wall assembly. As soon as you change your preview window to "section", the sweep dialogue box opens up.

2. Create a wall sweep type and manually place the moulding at each location.

3. Create an 'In-Place' family and create a sweep by sketching the path and applying your profile

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Fri, Nov 4, 2011 at 9:40:33 AM | Furniture and Molding.




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I have not seen a cabriole leg being made, but I know it's more complex than what I tried to do. I just want to somewhat get the basic shape down.




I 'm following the first picture you posted and managed to get the sweeps menu. I added a sweep, but it's just a sqaure...

 How do I modify it into the shape that I want?


Also for the second picture, how did you get that option to open up? I selected my wall, and then go to the home tab, and hit the wall pull down menu, but the sweep option is greyed out.

Edited on: Fri, Nov 4, 2011 at 9:53:31 AM

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Fri, Nov 4, 2011 at 12:39:42 PM | Furniture and Molding.



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you'll need to create a new custom profile. See attached. Once your done, save it somewhere and then hit "load into project". Once you do this, your custom profile with show up in the pull down list within your sweep editor under Profile.

I'm not sure why your wall sweep tool in greyed out. You don't need to select the wall first, the wall sweep is it own seperate entity, its just hosted by the wall. Try it again without selecting the wall first.

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Sat, Nov 5, 2011 at 4:22:05 PM | Furniture and Molding.




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Thanks a lot! I managed to get it to work. I even made a custom molding profile and applied it to my project.

What was holding me back was that I didn't know all the moldings were under "profiles." I honestly never opened up that family group.

And the wall sweep was greyed out because I was in plan view the whole time. The moment I went into 3D, it all cleared up.



I had another question though. I imported a family (kitchen) from this site. Is there a way to edit it in the project's views? IE, not going into edit family? The reason I ask is when I'm adjusting the cabinets, I need to know where the windows are, where the doors are, where the walls are, and once I go into edit family, I lose all sense of where the rest of the objects in my project are. It would be nice if I could adjust my family right in plan view.

Edited on: Sat, Nov 5, 2011 at 4:24:51 PM

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Sun, Nov 6, 2011 at 5:46:47 AM | Furniture and Molding.



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Typhoon Avatar

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"I had another question though. I imported a family (kitchen) from this site. Is there a way to edit it in the project's views? IE, not going into edit family?" - NO, if you need to change anything in your family you need to "Edit Family" and change what you want BUT if the family is completly "PARAMETRIC" you can change that family in project, dimensions of the elemets, materials and so on..


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Fri, Nov 11, 2011 at 8:20:52 PM | Furniture and Molding.




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Okay I'm still working on my cabriole leg. I've gotten somewhat close by making swept blends and trying to use voids to round out the object.


An issue I've been coming accross is with the void. It doesn't really cut my object at all, and the void shows up orange. I can take pictures if necessary, but does anyone know what I'm doing wrong?

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Sat, Nov 12, 2011 at 5:37:52 AM | Furniture and Molding.



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After you created the "Void" use the "Cut Geometry" tool, select the void and the object you want to cut



I Hope and I Wish to LEARN  more, and more, and more.... REVIT

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Sat, Nov 12, 2011 at 8:41:15 AM | Furniture and Molding.




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Excellent! So that's what the issue was. Thank you!


By the way, do you know of a way to round or champher edges?

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