Joined: Sat, Jun 19, 2010
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Hi, I'm quite new to Revit.
I've made up a walk through, but would like to try a Rendered walkthrough, I waited 2 days! and the walkthrough is completely dark except for the exterior parts of the building before you walk in.
The only settings I know to use for a normal Render, not a walkthrough is to choose 'sun only', 'cloudy' and 'sun from top right'. I thought I'd better ask if this would work for the interior walkthrough before I wait another 2 days to find out :-)
Cheers, Shenene

Joined: Thu, May 28, 2009
829 Posts
well, a walthrough renders each frame. So it takes hellishly long. default walkthrough is 300 frames, to get some smoothness, I usually use something like 3000 frames.
It would be difficult to make a walkthrough that goes from outside, to inside. In other threads, people have asked this question, and one solution that people have come up with is to do two seperate walkthroughs, one ending at the door, and one starting at the door. And then combine them into one video after the fact. actually, the same walkthrough, just starting at the frame you stopped at with different settings.
The reason being, for outdoor renderings, you have the sun as your light source, and it's ridiculously bright. And inside, you only have a few windows, and light bulbs, which are an order of magnitude more dim. So any render settings that you've set to look good outside, with sun, will make your interior renders virtually black.
You'll need to add some daylight portals, and/or light fixures to get any sort of render out of your interior though. So that takes some work--and as soon as you start adding multiple light sources, the processing required to render goes up outrageously.
I hope I'm not sounding too discouraging, but what some firms do, if they really need some beautiful rendered movie, is to send the file to a rendering farm. basically a super computer that can do in minutes or hours what your desktop could do in days or weeks.
I've also generally been satisfied with shaded with edges walkthroughs. it's possible to clean these views up enough to be presentable. turning on shadows, etc.
Joined: Sat, Jun 19, 2010
2 Posts No Rating |
Hi, Thank you so much for the replies. My computer specs should be all good, as it's a fairly new computer.
I will definately try the walkthrough as you suggested and see what happens :-)