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Forums >> Revit Building >> Technical Support >> very heavy project- how to reduce its weight?

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Thu, Feb 25, 2010 at 3:28:59 PM | very heavy project- how to reduce its weight?




Joined: Tue, Nov 20, 2007
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Hello everybody,

i have a very ergent question: is there a possibilty to copy an object (like trees, etc) the same as the option there is in 3dmax which is called "copy" and the option is "reference?

i'll say it again... i need to copy a building , and when i do it the whole project is becoming so heavy that i cannot move anything or do other things - so, does anyone have a solution to that problem?

thank you very much... 

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Thu, Feb 25, 2010 at 3:38:20 PM | very heavy project- how to reduce its weight?



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Can't rally answer your question because it is too general. 

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Thu, Feb 25, 2010 at 4:03:06 PM | very heavy project- how to reduce its weight?




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i'll explain myself again:

right now i  am working on a big project on Revit. i built a building which is very heavy (it terms of Mega Bites) now i need to duplicate it which makes the project even heavier. I know that there is a way to duplicate an object without adding more weight. another example: on this same project i also have about 30 trees, now every tree weighs 40MB but i can't "afford" leaving it like that because i as it is i cannot move anything and i know there is a way to leave one 40MB tree and duplicating the other 29 but without really adding all the weight.

In 3d max there is such an option, you go to "copy" and choose the option "reference" and it somehow copies it with less weight than the original. and i'm looking for the same function in Revit too.

hope i made myself cleare this time , and i hope (even more) that you can help me...


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Thu, Feb 25, 2010 at 4:05:10 PM | very heavy project- how to reduce its weight?



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You're talking about the copy reference command in MAX where if you make a change to one, it will pass the changes onto all "referenced" copies?


If so, then not really as that type of data would be managed via the type properties of an elements.

Really, they way it works in Revit is no different than how it works in Max. 

Each copied instance of a family is more or less a "referenced" copy. If you want to mass update all instances, change a type property. But it has the added benefit of instance based properties to give the ability to be different from the parent...if that makes sense?


I am confused as to why you are copying a building, especially if you are looking for that ability. A further explanation would be of some benefit here. But if you are looking at copying an entire build for a campus style project...something along those lines...I would look into linking the building into a parent file.

You can then copy the link as needed around the project and maintain the "referenced" ability...change the one linked file...all the instances of the link would / should update.


I hope I am at least close to what you are looking for.


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Thu, Feb 25, 2010 at 4:07:35 PM | very heavy project- how to reduce its weight?



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As a side note to this, if you are doing site work / landscaping...I would do that in a seperate file and link your bulding into that...then you can unload/reload as needed to remove a lot of the performace hit that you are experiencing.


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Thu, Feb 25, 2010 at 4:30:44 PM | very heavy project- how to reduce its weight?




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Thank you for answering. about the building, i need to duplicate it becaues it's a complex of three same buildings on one piece of land. The same i need to do with the tree. i need 30 same trees.

now if i understood you correctly, you mean that i need to make the tree or the building in the "group" option? i am not sure i understood you correctly. could you please give me the exact commands of what i should do?

thanks a lot.

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Thu, Feb 25, 2010 at 6:12:38 PM | very heavy project- how to reduce its weight?




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Nope nope nope, when you copy a family around you are actually referencing it, as brettgoodchild was saying. Things that can make a filesize too big is having to many families loaded or having too many families created in-place etc.


I made a cathedral, once the families for 1 bay were made the filesize was about 25mb. Then I copied the bay around 16 times and the filesize grew to 27mb, so you can see how copying families is like referencing. Groups do not achieve this, and should really only be used as temporary measures to align different elements, or big scale solutions.  


Regarding copying a whole building, brettgoodchild is totally right about linking too. The difference between having 1 building and 20 linked buildings will be negligible regarding filesize.


Hope this helps!

Edited on: Sun, Feb 28, 2010 at 1:40:53 PM

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Sun, Feb 28, 2010 at 8:16:50 AM | very heavy project- how to reduce its weight?




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Thank you very much for answering. i accept your advise about the family solution. The problem is that i have no idea how to do it. i tried to look at the F1 (revit helper) but there are so many family regarded topics so i don't know which one is what i need. could you please tell me what i should do?

i have built one building which is built in solid and screen walls and i need to multiply it three times + a park with around 30 trees (i imported the first one). I built one building how do i duplicate it and still stay with a resonable file size to be able to move my computer (when the project is with one building including the trees it weighs 100mb and with the two other buildings it weighs 220 mb)? just give me the exact commands if possible.

i hope it's not too complicated for you.

thanks a lot.

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Sun, Feb 28, 2010 at 11:02:37 AM | very heavy project- how to reduce its weight?



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Brett suggested: "But if you are looking at copying an entire build for a campus style project...something along those lines...I would look into linking the building into a parent file.

You can then copy the link as needed around the project and maintain the "referenced" ability...change the one linked file...all the instances of the link would / should update."


.... Read about Linking Revit files in your HELP.

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