Joined: Mon, Apr 20, 2009
7 Posts No Rating |
All, Thanks in advance for the help. I'll try to be as concise as possible... I am creating some precast wall panels to use as a building facade. The panels will be made of concrete, with a thin (5/8" veneer for the exterior look. The face of the wall has a 1-1/2" reveal, a 2" dia. bead, a parapet cap with 2" overhang, and a 4'-0"-wide extrusion mimmicking a "column cover" abutting the far right of the panel. The wall itself is a customized 2-layer, 10" thick wall. The reveal was created using the Wall>Reveal command. The radius bead and the parapet cap were added in the customized wall's type properties as sweeps. The 'column cover,' which is proving to give me a lot of problems, is created as a hosted wall sweep using the Wall>Wall Sweep command. Problems: I am struggling to get the horizontal sweeps to wrap the contour of the vertical 'column cover' sweep. As you can see in the attached panel, the horizontal sweeps are running through the vertical sweep. I was hoping to joint he horizontal sweep to the wall to create on element, instead of using multiple walls/extrusions to create the same effect. The logic behind this is that when I create a plan-section cut of the panel, it will indicate that the wall is made from a single piece of cast concrete with a veneer finish, as opposed to looking like the panel is a product of multiple pieces joined together. I know that the appearance from the exterior is goign to be identical regardless of thso wall is made from multiple pieces or not, but the details, which are critical to my project, will not reflect that this is actually just one solid panel. I have copied my current progress into afile and attached it to this message. Any help would be OVERWHELMINGLY appreciated. Thanks everyone.
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Joined: Tue, May 16, 2006
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You did not include an image. Sweeps will not wrap sweeps. Think about a family for your vertical column cover. Join geometry will join same materials/category. Maybe an inplace element - wall category and you build your reveal into that. BTW - for details, remember that you have the edit cut profile tool.