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Joined: Tue, Jul 19, 2005
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Hi guys,
I have problem with loading component into my work. Every time I try to load a new component, the previous component is loaded instead of the new one even though I follow all the right steps to load it. Can I have input from you guys please. Thanks.
Post edited on 2005-08-24 17:08:01
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Joined: Tue, Feb 15, 2005
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Did you try load it from file menu/load family
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Joined: Mon, May 7, 2007
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I too am having this problem. MANY components will not appear in the list no matter how I load them. It's not a visibility issue, they just don't seem to make it into the project. What am I doing wrong?
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Joined: Tue, Jun 29, 2004
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When you load a family, it doesn't always default to this one. Sometimes you have to click the drop down arrow to find it. Also, if it is not a component type family, you won't find it under "component" for example a window, or a structural beam. Check the families category under settings while in the family editor.
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Joined: Wed, Nov 26, 2008
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I am running into this same problem, i have tried all of your suggestions but can't seem to get the family to load. It's actually the Roof Slope Symbol that i downloaded from RevitCity and now that im trying to load it into my project it doesnt seem register in the project file. I tried it in a new Revit Project, tried every possible way of loading the family (file menu, component load etc...) but everytime after i choose the family i want to load and click "Open" it defaults back to the family that was loaded last. I'm fairly new to Revit so there is a possibility that im missing something very elementary. Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks.
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Joined: Mon, Mar 9, 2009
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i am having this exact problem right now and i cant figure out why. when i try to load a component (regardless of whether I do it thru File >load from library>load family or basics tab>component>load) I select a file i want to load, the computer acts like its going to load it (i.e. on the bottom right hand corner of screen it has that status bar showing the % of time it takes to load it), but of course, the component isnt there once i have loaded it. nor is it on the drop down list of components. any idea why?
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What type of component is it? If it's a symbol it will not show in the component drop down menu.
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Joined: Mon, Mar 9, 2009
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i dont think its a symbol. its a truss in teh structural > steel > framing folder in the imperial library, like a k series or LH series truss. none of them load.
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Joined: Mon, Jun 23, 2008
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T O | DO Placing structural families... __navigate to the "structural" design bar (window > design bars... > structural) **Likely a "Brace', right? Is your family there now? Yes, structural familes are generally inserted via the "Structural" design bar__ya know... similar to Doors, which are inserted by selecting Doors (DR) or Windows (WN) or Tags (TG) or Symbols (OH MYE)) 
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thank you. yes, when i go to the structural tab i can do the "brace" command and draw one of the trusses that I had previously loaded as a component. so that is great. however, when i do so, I draw the truss at angle for some reason, instead of having it flush with the level at which i drew it. so i tried modifying certain things in element properties, i.e. i made the reference level, the start attachment level reference, the start attachment elevation, end attachment level reference, the end attachment elevation all the same level (i.e. at 90') but still, the truss comes out angled, with one side at a lower elevation than the other side. how can i just make a flat truss is at the same elevation on both its sides?
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Joined: Mon, Mar 9, 2009
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so i have another component, a horizontal louver system (.rfa file) that i downloaded from this web-site. for some reason, i cant load it into a project (.rvt file). not sure why. the louver system component is attached to this message for your reference.
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Joined: Tue, May 22, 2007
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It's a "Curtain Wall", you can insert them when you create a curtain wall in your project and change the "curtain panels" in the properties of the curtain wall, but there are problems with this family....
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typhoon, can u explain to me in more detail what u mean exactly? how exactly do i insert these screens (rfa files) into my curtain wall system (rvt files). it doesnt work when i do file > load from library > load family, nor can i copy and paste between family and project (obviously). i assume i am supposed to select one curtain panel (from the curtain wall system that i drew myself) and somehow replace it with the screen, but i cant figure out how to replace one with the other. for your reference, i am attaching both files to this post
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Can you wait for a video????
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Joined: Mon, Mar 9, 2009
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second file attached to this one, i accidentally didnt attach it to my previous post
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