Joined: Thu, Nov 20, 2008
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Hi, Hi, I am setting up door families and i have set up tick boxes called DP1, DP2, DP3, DP4, DP5 (DP stands for door protection) and i have another field called Type Protection and basically I want this field to reference back to the yes no DP1 to DP5 tick boxes. So if DP1 is ticked the Type Protection field should say DP1 if DP2 is ticked the Type Protection field should say DP2 if DP3 is ticked the Type Protection field should say DP3 if DP4 is ticked the Type Protection field should say DP4 if DP5 is ticked the Type Protection field should say DP5 and if none are ticked it should say NO Furthermore I want another field called Door Protection Height and i want to reference it back to the yes no DP1 to DP5 tick boxes. if DP1 is ticked the Door Protection Height should = 150mm if DP2 is ticked the Door Protection Height should = 300mm if DP3 is ticked the Door Protection Height should = 300mm if DP4 is ticked the Door Protection Height should = 400mm if DP5 is ticked the Door Protection Height should = 900mm if any one could help i would appricate it.
Joined: Thu, Nov 20, 2008
2 Posts No Rating |
Here is the answer I got that works from KarelCAD "Brendan Here is a solution for you: For the Type Protection Field =if(DP1, "DP1", if(DP2, "DP2", if(DP3, "DP3", if(DP4, "DP4", if(DP5, "DP5", "NO")))) For the Door Protection Height Field =if(DP1, 150 mm, if(DP2, 300 mm, if(DP3, 300 mm, if(DP4, 400 mm, if(DP5, 900 mm, 0 mm))))) Glenn Barrett Application Specialist KarelCAD"