Forums >> Revit Building >> Technical Support >> display of families in different views
Joined: Sat, Feb 11, 2006
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Is it possible to have a different display of an object, for instance a cabinet, in different views? I would like to show only the electrical fixtures an an outline of the cabinet in one plan-view and the actual cabinet and the text-label in an other plan view. Different detail levels is not a solution here. Eveline
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If you use sub-categories in the family, you could control this through VG. The line work could be a sub-category turned off in non-model views and the model elements could be a different one.
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Yes i tried that. The sub-category doesn't work for the electrical fixture wich is a nested family.
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Now you add more to your question...What exactly do you want? I will not guess again.
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Joined: Sat, Feb 11, 2006
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Thank you for answering, sorry I wasn't very clear. An instance of an electrical fixture family is part of a furniture family. I think that is called a nested family. I want to be able to turn visibility of this element on and off on different plan-views. I tried to put it in a sub-category but could not. Question: Is there a way to put a nested family in a sub-category or is there an other way to control visibility? Eveline
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Annotations are controlled seperately in VG. Turn it off there.
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Joined: Tue, May 8, 2007
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eveline You could try this approach: In your nested Family creation (family Editor) highlight the Electric Fixture family then choose the Element Dialog box. In the Dialog box you'll see a line that says "Visible" to the furthest right there's a little gray box click it. At that point a box come up asking for a visibilty parameter. Go to the button that says Add Parameter, You are about to creat a Yes/No parameter for visibilty. Make sure it's an instance parameter (So that each occurance has this option indepently), catagory like Graphics and then a title like Electric Fixture On. OK out back to your nested family save, import that whole thing. When you use it in your project you can then highlight the desired Furniture family (we are talking about) and be able to make for fixture visible or not John K
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JFK ... This will change the visibility in every view...not what the poster asked.
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Joined: Tue, May 8, 2007
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Views OOPS I'm BAD then. Yes Hub is correct. Hub how about this then????.... I've had an situation where I wanted to see a family in one view (the drawings we give consultants) and our plotted view (where we don't want to show "said family". We are starting to use View Templates with that family as a Filter so as to turn it off in those certain views. That might work here too????
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Joined: Tue, May 16, 2006
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View templates are one of Revit's really powerful tools. You should be assigning a view template to every view you want to control. Then just before printing, you can highlite all the drawing sheets and select "apply defauly view template" and every view on every sheet will be correct as you have planned them....if eveyone follows the rules...
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Joined: Tue, May 8, 2007
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Hey Hub I get your last post, so this is something related. Under View Properties theres a line under Indenty Data that reads: "Default View Template" What is that? And how is it suppose to work? I gave it a default view template once but it never automatically makes that "choosen" View Template anything special. Can you explain it? Thanks John K
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In my opinion, this is mis-named. For each view, the field "Default view template" should be named "Assigned view template". Just assign the correct template her - then when you pick all the sheets and select apply default view template, the assigned view template will be applied to the view.
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