Forums >> General Discussion >> Wishlist >> 2010 Rant
Joined: Wed, Dec 12, 2007
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Just hoping Autodesk reads this. The ribbon overall is not a horrible idea, but it buries commands verses 2009 were modify tools are locate aat the top for easy access. Looks like everyone will need to memorize the shortcuts for the program not to be cumbersome. Also I know locating it a the top save screen space on a CRT moniters but no one uses them anyway, so put the damm thing to side or at least give us the option drag to side. It seem Autocad once again is making software pretty and not focusing on the core issue of its users functionality. How about organizing components or making program more stable or adding text tools similair to CAD. The only improvement they have made is ability to have dims in 3d. I also don't like my commands moving place, most of us spend so much time at the machine we devolp musle memory of wher tools are located. Please vent about AutoDesk, I know I have for over a decade. Maybe they will listen to its users instead of its exec. sometime in the future.
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Joined: Mon, Jun 23, 2008
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YES__ AUTODESK Revit, seems to be testing you... be patient, be strong and turn an enemy into a friend.  R.C.
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Joined: Sat, Sep 1, 2007
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My strategy in dealing with the new interface in 2010 is to use the quick access toolbar. We set up an office standard for this tool bar. We are still testing which tools should be included, but, it seems like the best solution to make finding common tools efficient.
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Joined: Thu, Sep 13, 2007
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i'm not yet able to make the switch to 2010, but i am curious about the ribbon. i've found that with autocad, compressing the ribbon to a single line is very useful; can you do this with revit as well? changing the project browser to a fly-out would also be a nice way to conserve space, or at least i think so.
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Joined: Sun, Jun 24, 2007
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i think the ribbon is more of a response to fitting in to the microsoft operating system so really we should blame m$.
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Joined: Wed, Dec 12, 2007
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Autodesk, How could you screw up the keyboard commands. In 2009 mm is mirror and gives both options, 2010 no choice just about a picked axis. I have all the recommend drivers, just hoping it will be stable for me, since I know people who crash all the time and never had an issue in 2009.
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Joined: Tue, Jan 16, 2007
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In 6 months nobody will be complaining about this stuff becuase you'll have gotten use to it. I've used 2010 for many months and going back to the design bar UI drives me nuts. I'll be happy when I no longer have active projects in 2009
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Joined: Wed, Dec 12, 2007
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I have also used it for a couple of months and just think it is clunker(not as effiicient). If you need a quick access bar and you didn't in 2009 . it means the interface was better laid out in 2009. I didn't need custom tools because the originals worked and worked well. Join geomentry you click after command every thing else select object first. I dont care which is which, but make it same for all commands. Auto desk like to change the interface, it makes you think the product some how different. Looks different must be different. Just my 2 cents. The more I use 2010 the more I like 2009 UI and it simplicity. I fell like I am clicking all over the place to find my commands. I use alot more keyboard commands now, were as before it was a 50/50 deal because the command was right there.
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Joined: Thu, Jul 23, 2009
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I used 2009 and then switched to 2010. It was an unnecessary upgrade. 2010 and Vista together.....ugh I miss my ArchiCAD.
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Joined: Wed, Dec 12, 2007
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Issues just abound with 2010. Upgraded to wu1 service pack, still have issues. Jpeg will not print from sheet, love they spent valuable time creating a UI like A-cad and Microsoft(because I loved those product soooo much). To bad they didnt improve anything that save draftsman time, such as a Stable PLatform. Been using 2010 almost 6 month 2009 still is way better aka (productive and stable) no fancy UI or icons to decipher. The new interface is not hard to use just takes more time to get to my commands (more time to draw). Move from sub menu to sub menu. Love Revit Hate Autodesk.
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Joined: Thu, Jan 15, 2009
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You can enable the 2009 interface in 2010, its unsupported by Autodesk however it does work. See here on how to enable it. Personally id stick with the 2010 ribon, it was frustraiting at first, but it IS better once you master it.
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Joined: Tue, Jul 13, 2010
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"i think the ribbon is more of a response to fitting in to the microsoft operating system so really we should blame m$." Microsoft's shotcoming asside, Autodesk has never been able to create an intuitive interface. Revit is possibly the worst and the ribbon is the least of the problems.
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Joined: Fri, Apr 14, 2006
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I jumped straight from 2009 to 2011 and I am loving the ribbon interface. Sure, it took a couple of weeks to get used to it but overall I'm all for it. As for shortcuts we can modify the keyboard shortcuts more easily so I will probably access most modify commands that way.
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Joined: Fri, Feb 10, 2006
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2011 Ribbon is far better than 2010 Ribbon, you missed 2010.
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Joined: Fri, Apr 14, 2006
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Ya, that is what I've heard from others. I didn't even install 2010. I did some research earlier but it appeared to be a very flawed release. We had similar issues when Autodesk released AutoCAD 2009, which we also skipped.
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