Joined: Fri, Jun 27, 2008
95 Posts No Rating |
Hello, I've created a graphic scale to change values depending on the scale of the view & I understand the limiations discussed in other threads. So here's what I did: I started with a generic annotation template, create the linework, added labels, and created family types based on the various scales. After loading the graphic scale into my project, I can drag the desired scale from within my families, and everything works great; the values are correct based on the family types I set. Now, my problem is that when I select the graphic scale, and want to change it's type (let's say I change the view scale), the graphic scale won't update. It will show it's a different type, but the values won't update accordingly. I suppose this isn't the biggest problem ever, as I could erase the graphic scale and drag in the correct one again, BUT I want to understand why this happens, so that if this happens again, I know why that is. Any input is greatly appreciated. I've attached the family for your reference. Thank You! Feel free to use this family, it works great, with the exception of the above of course.
Great Revit karma will come to you for answering my many questions.
using RAC-2013
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