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Forums >> Revit Building >> Technical Support >> Spiral Ramp/Floor/Roof - 3D path
Joined: Thu, Dec 6, 2007
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I'm attempting my first conceptual modeling in Revit 2008. I'd like to create an enclosed spiral ramp that provides circulation between two floors. I can create the look with ramps and railings but ideally I'd like to have the ramps be floor elements so that I can attach walls at top and bottom and place windows. I guess I could create a baluster panel for a railing system that would approximate the wall/window look I want but I'm not really that comfortable with baluster panels. Searching the forums I found one post that says Revit can't do 3D sweeps and then another that says you can create a 3D path by some combination of void and solid extrusions to create an edge. (I didn't fully understand that one.) In any event I'm curious if someone has come up with a solution for this situation or if there are any ideas for using floors or roofs to do this. Any thougths will be appreciated.
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Joined: Thu, Aug 16, 2007
34 Posts
Yo, try Mr. Spot's tutorial on spiral stairs/ramps http://www.revitcity.com/tutorials/stair-wall_trimming/ The tutorial consists of voids and reference planes. It really helped me a lot. For your baluster, during the sketch part of the tutorial, adjust the height of the walls when you sketch the profile and maybe you can already sketch the holes you want there also. Or create in-place voids for the holes and cut it from the wall. I found it difficult at first. The process is quite tedious, especially when labelling the reference planes. But just be patient with it. And after accomplishing it, you'll find out the results are rewarding. What a great sigh of relief. Good luck! Credit goes to Mr. Spot.
Edited on: Thu, Mar 20, 2008 at 12:03:33 PM
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