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Tue, May 2, 2006 at 7:15:39 AM | RE: Revit Project Contest??????????????



rkitect Avatar

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I was just wondering the same thing. Any objections to me running the first one? If not I'm starting a contest thread by end of day!



Carl - rkitecsure[at]

Need help? I'm probably in my chat room!

You fell victim to one of the classic blunders. The most famous is never get involved in a land war in asia, but only slightly less well known is this! Never go in against a Sicilian when death is on the line!

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Tue, May 2, 2006 at 8:44:51 AM | RE: Revit Project Contest??????????????




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yes.... i think is a great idea

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Tue, May 2, 2006 at 9:48:14 AM | IMPORTANT INFO!!! NEED INPUT for Contest



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This was sent to me this morning from the site admin:

We have been looking in on that thread, and the idea is interesting to us.
We are planning on releasing a major site upgrade sometime this year, and
would consider including a system built for contests such as this into the
site. A system such as this would probably not be ready until this
fall/winter...but the first thing we would need is an acceptable work flow
for the system.

To be honest, I don't read many of the posts on the site (I'm a programmer,
my partner is an Architect and uses Revit, but I don't). So if you would
like to appoint yourself of give someone else the job of consolidating
information for me and answering some of my questions we can definitely work

Here are the questions I have about such a system:
1. Who will judge the contests (We don't have the time, and as I stated, I'm
not extremely familiar with Revit)
2. How will judges be chosen? This will probably need to be done for every
contents, so what is the process for choosing a judges for each contest.
3. Are the contests going to be simply for pride, or are you wanting a
compensation system. For example lets say there was a $5 US entry fee, and
the winner received 50% of the entry fees, the judges split evenly 35% (5%
for 7 judges) and Pierced Media, LC kept 15% as compensation for setting up
the contest system and distributing the funds to the winners. This is merely
a suggestion, we're interested in setting up the system regardless of
compensation. Such a compensation system might encourage more entries as
well as eliminate bogus entries from the high schoolers that are goofing
4. How often would these contests run?
5. Who would decide the parameters of the contest (building size, building
materials, etc.)

I'm sure I'll have more, but these are initial questions for you.

Please let me know if you have any thoughts other than what I am preparing to answer as stated below:

-After the first contest (probably judged by myself) the winner will be the judge unless they specify they do not want to judge. Then the winner is responsible for finding someone willing to judge.

2) The winner of the previous contest will select (2) other judges to help reduce the load. Most likely, each judge will judge in categories. We can allow contestants to be side judges so long as the 'Head Judge' rates their entry.

3) I like to use as a good example of how this can work. I don't want to push people away from the contest idea by charging for entry but I believe it would be good to have some kind of 'bux' system similar to Yahoo!Games system. Maybe we could have an annual cash prize contest with a guest company regulating / sponsoring the contest. (ahh.. remember those in Studio? =])

4) I would like to see the contests happen Quarterly. Most of the community embers are very busy at work and in life and I think some of these projects should be allowed time to develop the design or even develop the way to model it if the contestant is trying something new. If demand increase we may move them to a monthly contest or one contest every two months.

5) The Head Judge of the contest will determine the program for the next contest. This will allow for diversity in project type and complexity as well as varying the amount of program given (ie: an experienced architect may give very specific program requirements as where a student may just give a building type).

Guys and gals! Let me know what else we should add. And please keep this to the contest system. If you want to start a wishlist for other forum items, please start another thread.

Thanks and have a great day!



Carl - rkitecsure[at]

Need help? I'm probably in my chat room!

You fell victim to one of the classic blunders. The most famous is never get involved in a land war in asia, but only slightly less well known is this! Never go in against a Sicilian when death is on the line!

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Tue, May 2, 2006 at 10:25:08 AM | RE: Revit Project Contest??????????????



rkitect Avatar

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btw.. i'm also intersted in seeing how much interest there is in going ahead and starting the contests and using temporary methods of posting winners and points and such. Let me know.



Carl - rkitecsure[at]

Need help? I'm probably in my chat room!

You fell victim to one of the classic blunders. The most famous is never get involved in a land war in asia, but only slightly less well known is this! Never go in against a Sicilian when death is on the line!

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Tue, May 2, 2006 at 5:11:52 PM | RE: Revit Project Contest??????????????




Joined: Tue, Dec 20, 2005
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Great ideas Carl, and thankyou for volunteering to host / judge the 1st contest. However, please remember the contest DOES need to be split into three categories: Highschool, College, Pro. Each categorie will have the same contest task. Point is, it would be unfair to people to compete against people who have years of experience. Please take this into consideration.

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Tue, May 2, 2006 at 10:02:27 PM | RE: Revit Project Contest??????????????




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Hey fellas,

Its sounding great that the admin is interested, that signifies massive potenial for the development of this contest in the future.

Carl - good stuff man, just start the thread and get stuff rolling. We should all make sure we make noise on this site about it - reference the comp in the galleries, discuss entries and forums and stuff, Im sure people will jump on board. We just needed someone like you to take charge and have a go!

I do think that you need more than one judge though, Im keen to chip in on the first round if you have no-one else in mind. Also, I think all three judges should judge all three categories, it could be as simple as them voting amongst themselves or duscussing etc.

The idea of paying for entry - great idea but perhaps a little restricting for people with casual approaches. The perfect workaround might be what gerry just alluded to: perhaps only the Pro Category requires payment to particpate? And In regards to the three categories, perhaps they should be Highschool, Casual and Pro? It might be easier if there is only one category for the first competition though...

In terms of starting it simple (or temporary as you said), do you think this approach would be a good way to set it up?

"So perhaps monthly [or quarterly] , a nominated person writes out a brief (it could be as detailed or 'brief' as the person decided), people express interest via a dedicated forum, then on a set date all the people interested recieve the brief and its posted for all to see (I reckon only the people who expressed interest proir to recieving the brief are contenders)

... one month [or quarter] later, on another dedicated thread (with a poll), all the contenders post a paragraph plus images about what they've done, people rate them for a week, then the winner is decided. [by the three judges]

And when it came to judging time:

"2) Having a dedicated thread ('Contest Entries' or something), where every contestant posts a paragraph about their submission plus 2 or 3 (or whatever) .jpg images for people to download and view from their own comps. Thus entries only need a single post, nice and tidy."

The .jpg images could be direct exports, usage of photoshop could be at the judges discression

So Carl, you were mentioning that you were going to spark it up? Great idea I think, if you wanted any input from me I think something like this would work well:

"Perhaps the person who is going to write the first breif start a thread titled "RevitCity Project Contest - 1" or something. All interested people post on that thread (no questions on that thread or anything! Just "yep Im in" or "I'd like to participate"Winking. Keep all questions to this thread (or another one with a more appropriate name)."

What do you say? Feel free to email me with your thoughts.

Post edited on 2006-05-02 22:04:35

Post edited on 2006-05-02 22:06:35

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Wed, May 3, 2006 at 7:13:53 AM | RE: Revit Project Contest??????????????




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As a High School Teacher that just last week started using this after years of ADT, I think this would be a great way for my students to learn new techniques and the program. I know other schools in Ohio might jump on the bandwagon if it gets going. I would be interested. What help does anyone need? How long would these contests last? How hard would they be? These are just a few questions I have.

Brian Lien Technology Education Princeton High School

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Wed, May 3, 2006 at 7:23:07 AM | RE: Revit Project Contest??????????????




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MY VOTE GOES TO mixed use building in K.A.S

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Wed, May 3, 2006 at 7:57:00 AM | RE: Revit Project Contest??????????????



allstate45 Avatar

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Check this site out. you have to setup and user and password to view the work but this is a good site on how I think the contest should work. I know that our site doesn't look or work like theirs but we can take some ideas from them. rkitect, since i started this tread, if you need help I would like to help you. I'm on this site almost everyday. Check out my profile and contact me.

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Wed, May 3, 2006 at 8:59:12 AM | RE: Revit Project Contest??????????????



rkitect Avatar

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Wow.. that was more interest than I was expecting. For obvious reasons I'm going to have to get the rules and legal information posted before I can actually 'register' people for the contest. It looks like I have my first two side judges; hisdirt and allstate45 For those of you wondering about the contest level. Until we have a few of these things under our belt and can establish a concrete rating system, we're going to have to bunch everyone's entries together. Once we have a few contests and people start accumulating ranking points, each contestant will be automatically grouped with similar ability levels. I have a final tonight so I will try my best to get the contest rules and legal stuff posted by the end of the night so we can get this thing going. The first few will probably be a trial so that we can get a feel of how the contest system needs to be set up (programming wise for the site admin). Till then, keep checking this post for more info. Have a great day everyone!



Carl - rkitecsure[at]

Need help? I'm probably in my chat room!

You fell victim to one of the classic blunders. The most famous is never get involved in a land war in asia, but only slightly less well known is this! Never go in against a Sicilian when death is on the line!

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Wed, May 3, 2006 at 10:46:47 PM | RE: Revit Project Contest??????????????



rkitect Avatar

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OK, so I'm going to be a bit delayed getting the first contest going. I was in a car accident tonight which put me behind in getting everything done that needed to get done. I'll keep you posted it shouldn't be too long of a delay.



Carl - rkitecsure[at]

Need help? I'm probably in my chat room!

You fell victim to one of the classic blunders. The most famous is never get involved in a land war in asia, but only slightly less well known is this! Never go in against a Sicilian when death is on the line!

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Thu, May 4, 2006 at 1:53:26 AM | RE: Revit Project Contest??????????????




Joined: Thu, Jan 5, 2006
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hope you`re ok(hope it was`nt a serious accident) i like the ide about a contest, im in looking forward to it

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Thu, May 4, 2006 at 6:06:25 PM | RE: Revit Project Contest??????????????




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Hey fellas, The Judges are currently fine tuning how the contest will be set up, it wont be long now...

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Mon, May 8, 2006 at 1:24:38 AM | RE: Revit Project Contest??????????????




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Let the show start!!! I`m in...

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Tue, May 9, 2006 at 8:50:34 AM | RE: Revit Project Contest??????????????



rkitect Avatar

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Don't give up on us. We're just waiting to get a go ahead from the site admins. As soon as that happens we're rolling. We have the brief ready and everything! This is going to be great so spread the word and let's make this happen! -Carl



Carl - rkitecsure[at]

Need help? I'm probably in my chat room!

You fell victim to one of the classic blunders. The most famous is never get involved in a land war in asia, but only slightly less well known is this! Never go in against a Sicilian when death is on the line!

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