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Wed, Nov 3, 2004 at 3:17:47 PM | RE: A Peaceful Globe or NOT?




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Hallp FineDesignz! I like the voice you are saying things in. You did not get upset of my little provocation to get you to think and critisize that you hold to the words you can read in a book and not take the time to sit down to try to understand something from your own experience. **************************************************************** I took a look on those two: Psalms 146:3 Put not your trust in princes, nor in the son of man, in whom there is no help. *************************************************************** Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. ************************************************************** Well I understand and I do not understand because there are contradictions in thoose sayings. Trust in something not of man - in the same time doing things like the human you are. That will result in that people do not trust each other - everyone going around with this "fantasy" called by one name or something not understandable in words, behind every word. I think we also has to rely to "reality" or we will miss the bread then we try to put some butter on it and perhaps hit the table instead with the knife with butter on. Or some chair, perhaps the window or the wall. No - that is not good! We have to understand that eg. natural science have given us some "truths" but we have to handle them with outmost care - not to doing each other harm or Mother Nature. We have to understand - by I will say - siiting down half an hour pro day each of us. That we have to listen - to each other - not cheating each others by will or unwill. As thoose verses say: We do not really know. We have not got words for this knowledge - in an sure large universe - created some years ago before mankinds a little shorter period of seven million years. And natural science still shorter period 400 years. So I must say I am a bit upset of the one choosen to lead US - a not trustable person - having done so many bad things to other people - not listening to others cries of help - robbing them of their belongings from his own greed - perhaps learning this from reading in some book written a long time ago of other leaders who had learnt to use just one name - to lead people around them - not letting those others also tell their own opinions - using the name of a one and only to make them silence - not sitting in silence together - but silencing others to speak themselves. The same as nowadays - most people hypnotized of the telly - it is so easy to hypnotize others - you can eg. study rhetorics - findings of the old greeks how to speak to others - hypnotizing them - not letting them have their own fantasies and their own silence - disrespecting other humans and disrespecting some thing really to respect but not possible to put words on. So let us sit down all of us to learn to listen to ourselves - to each other - and to the whole universe telling us that our own I:s is not the whole construction, Not believing in natural science teaching alone - teachings of how to use electricity our new fire and wheel - electric power and data"intelligence". Powers that we cannot handle in a proper manner. Powers so much stronger than ourselves. Powers that we can use to hurt others and ourselves making this globe to a mess and a prison. Let us try to sit down before we stand up and saying things - doing things - using thoose strong forces we have learnt to handle - but really not are capable of handnling - having lived here on this globe for seven million years in small groups being able to see, hear, smell, talk to each other - not using any electric techniques from the last hundred year period to let just a few of us -or only the leader - tell us what to do. and what not to do. Solving this will not be easy - but let us try!

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Thu, Nov 4, 2004 at 4:51:45 PM | RE: A Peaceful Globe or NOT?




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Here is another kind of link. Have a guess what this epedimic can be???? And have a second thought about why it is like it is. In 1991, when the epidemic was less intense it killed 325,000 Americans a year!!!!!!! -eight times the number who die of AIDS, and more than the combined deaths from alcohol, drugs, firearms, and motor vehicles. It approaches the 430,000 per year killed by smoking. As a nation, what have we done to respond to this epidemic that kills 325,000 people a year? Perhaps even architecture, building, transport can be among the reasons to this? Perhaps not sitting down half an hour a day to find who you are - and what your I ought to do; can be a reason to this? Not finding out your I:s place in the world, in the universe can be a reason to this? Belief in Natural Science as the great cure? Disrespect for other people, countries? Massmedia? Think about it! Perhaps we can solve it? Let us have a try! Using our own imagination and sitting down a while every day to contemplate a bit.... And here is the link:

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Thu, Nov 4, 2004 at 5:22:33 PM | RE: A Peaceful Globe or NOT?




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Interesting link... I suppose your line of thinking has some reasoning to it; but in order to get to the answer, you have to know the question and then logically proceed to it based on established known things. Circular reasoning and emotional searching will only frustrate an individual and will not provide an answer to the question. So, start at the beginning. The Bible says in the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. Do you believe this? If not, then there's a need to analyze evolution vs. creation & all the facts that pertain to both. Once we obtain all the facts, a decision can be made by each individual person as to what THEY believe. The decision should be supported by clear, irrefutable evidence. However, one must understand an important background factor about each. 1) Belief in God will require certain obligations & changes in order to harmonize with what He requires. 2) Belief in evolution doesn't require anything, you can simply do whatever you want. Many simply choose evolution because they don't want to be obligated to any laws that God may impose on his creation. So you can see that an honest, selfless attitude must be put on before taking this challenge. Okay... there are two books published by Jehovah's Witnesses that effectively cover in a non-biased, reasoning way BOTH of these beliefs and their supporting evidence. After reading them, each individual must make HIS/HER OWN decision regarding these matters. The newest publication is called "Is There a Creator Who Cares About You?" The second is "Life - How Did It Get Here? By Evolution or By Creation?" Both of these books are available, free of charge, at your local Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses or you may write the branch office. See My point being that there's no point in looking to Creation for some magnificent answer to life's problems if the Creator is the one with the answer. That's like asking a table why it's got four legs... why not ask the one who made it? Also, the scripture at Proverbs 3:5 actually says "Jehovah" where it says Lord; the word Lord was put into the King James version in place of God's name over 7000 times. This scripture is not indicating NOT to trust any humans we come into contact with at all; but helps us with regard to the solutions to the problems that fill the earth. Here in the USA, we now have President Bush re-elected. He's making all kinds of promises, like they all do; yet should we trust him? Should we trust that he (or any other kind of human official will actually bring world peace, when the Bible says clearly that they cannot and will not?) Why not trust Bible Prophecy, which has NEVER BEEN WRONG? In fact, look at 2 Thessalonians 5:1-3. This very cry of peace & security, which began being fulfilled around 1986, is fulfilling Bible Prophecy in itself. Little do the world leaders recognize (because they probably don't care) that they are fulfilling Bible Prophecy. Did you notice what would happen after that prophecy was fulfilled? Look at verse 3. And there are many others; which are being fulfilled RIGHT NOW. In fact, in Daniel chapter 2, King Nebuchadnezzar had a dream of a large image; each section of the image represents a world power, starting with himself as the King of Babylon. We are now living in the feet of that image, under the Anglo-American world power. But, again, look a little further in verse 44 to see what happens to the feet of that image & tell me what you think.

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Thu, Nov 4, 2004 at 5:25:42 PM | RE: A Peaceful Globe or NOT?




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... That would be Daniel 2:31-45. That's where Daniel begins to explain the dream to the King. Here it is from the New World Translation:

(Daniel speaking to King Nebuchadnezzar)
31 You, O king, happened to be beholding, and, look! a certain immense image. That image, which was large and the brightness of which was extraordinary, was standing in front of you, and its appearance was dreadful. 32 As regards that image, its head was of good gold, its breasts and its arms were of silver, its belly and its thighs were of copper, 33 its legs were of iron, its feet were partly of iron and partly of molded clay. 34 You kept on looking until a stone was cut out not by hands, and it struck the image on its feet of iron and of molded clay and crushed them. 35 At that time the iron, the molded clay, the copper, the silver and the gold were, all together, crushed and became like the chaff from the summer threshing floor, and the wind carried them away so that no trace at all was found of them. And as for the stone that struck the image, it became a large mountain and filled the whole earth.

36 “This is the dream, and its interpretation we shall say before the king. 37 You, O king, the king of kings, you to whom the God of heaven has given the kingdom, the might, and the strength and the dignity, 38 and into whose hand he has given, wherever the sons of mankind are dwelling, the beasts of the field and the winged creatures of the heavens, and whom he has made ruler over all of them, you yourself are the head of gold.

39 “And after you there will rise another kingdom inferior to you; and another kingdom, a third one, of copper, that will rule over the whole earth.

40 “And as for the fourth kingdom, it will prove to be strong like iron. Forasmuch as iron is crushing and grinding everything else, so, like iron that shatters, it will crush and shatter even all these.

41 “And whereas you beheld the feet and the toes to be partly of molded clay of a potter and partly of iron, the kingdom itself will prove to be divided, but somewhat of the hardness of iron will prove to be in it, forasmuch as you beheld the iron mixed with moist clay. 42 And as for the toes of the feet being partly of iron and partly of molded clay, the kingdom will partly prove to be strong and will partly prove to be fragile. 43 Whereas you beheld iron mixed with moist clay, they will come to be mixed with the offspring of mankind; but they will not prove to be sticking together, this one to that one, just as iron is not mixing with molded clay.

44 “And in the days of those kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be brought to ruin. And the kingdom itself will not be passed on to any other people. It will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms, and it itself will stand to times indefinite; 45 forasmuch as you beheld that out of the mountain a stone was cut not by hands, and [that] it crushed the iron, the copper, the molded clay, the silver and the gold. The grand God himself has made known to the king what is to occur after this. And the dream is reliable, and the interpretation of it is trustworthy.”

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Thu, Nov 4, 2004 at 6:16:43 PM | RE: A Peaceful Globe or NOT?




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Hallo again FineDesignz! You did not answered my question about the disease and why this disease? As a nation, what have we done to respond to this epidemic that kills 325,000 people a year? And here is the link: Being a little rude; can you find the answer in the book called the Bible too? No, I do not think so or? You all the time reference to the bible Daniel 2:31-45. That's where Daniel begins to explain the dream to the King Nebuchadnezzar. Perhaps the king had a dream about this disease! OK! I believe I am bit rude; just trying to provoke you - finding all the answers in an old book -. that is not really my way. But I like people trying to sort things out for themselves. Trying to find an answer to all questions you can have. I began with giving eg. a link to all the questions remaing after 911: And you will answer by saying Nebuchadnezzar had a dream. Yes, perhaps his dream had some meaning for us in our time, Some day our planet can become a mess - because of ourselves or because of some rock flying down from universe upon us.... But all humans are dreaming every night sometimes also in the daytime. Why not publish all those dreams - perhaps they can have some meaning to us? perhaps better with dreams from people living today? This one I liked better - it is kind of thinking oneself: My point being that there's no point in looking to Creation for some magnificent answer to life's problems if the Creator is the one with the answer. That's like asking a table why it's got four legs... why not ask the one who made it? To that I - my I - will try and answer that everything in some way is dependent upon each other. The table or table design perhaps made in Revit creates the I of the carpenter -. his I - and the carpenters I create the table. And the carpenter perhaps looks in a book about old kings dreams and find some good inspiration for own I:s imaginations of table design. But for sure making the table he can not stare into a book or into a drawing. He has to "listen" to what he is doing, His I responding to the results of his doings, And that perhaps Jesus will teach us - his father being a carpenter - perhaps his father learnt his young son - look out upon what you are doing or your thumb will become a mess! And the young by perhaps used his imagination and asked himself why just my thumb - perhaps the whole globe - but 2000 years ago he did not know something about America, but.... OK! His whole world in that time... And he did not know he was living on a globe - that was Gallileo that discovered about 400 years ago and upseat the priests and the pope.... OK! This young clever boy he discovered perhaps everything is dependent on each other and there will be some unit. I better sit down and sort this out. Trying to find my I and its formulas and loosing my I and becoming a part of all around me that has me as a part of it.... And I think that he discovered something and then tried to tell people that saying: "I am the way".... So look out for your I boys and girls and you oldies too! And do not eat so much cakes and bread and do not drink alcohol and do not sit all the night before your computer.... Have you got it??? I had a look on your site and Projects. Just a tips. You have too scale down the images in eg. Photoshop. They take a lot of time to download - too many bytes.... And I hope you will forgive me if I have been a little rude trying to face today reality, using your imagination and sitting down twenty minutes. Have you tested sitting down? I want to hear about the result... you fall asleep? I do....

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Thu, Nov 4, 2004 at 6:47:42 PM | RE: A Peaceful Globe or NOT?




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First the question about the disease... I don't know what has been done to respond. It's obviously a global problem. However, all diseases will be eradicated and done away with in the new world order under the rulership of God's Kingdom. (Speaking of that time; see Isaiah 33:24 & Revelation 21:3,4) Second, I'm not offended by rude people; as I said before, we get it all the time in more than 235 lands. The same type of people in China, Greenland, Australia, etc. all do the same thing to Jehovah's Witnesses all over the world. What happened on 911? Look at the big picture. You can't fix ALL the errors that were made, all the problems that occurred, nor find all the answers to all the details about what happened. Nor are they even remotely relevant. Those events are just a few more indications that we are living in the last days, as the Bible says. Third, what you stated about all the "I's" is utterly confusing. And, as I stated before, Jesus DID know the earth was a globe. How could he not? He had spent countless eons of time with his Father in heaven before coming to earth to pay the ransom that Adam had lost. Also, as I noted before, two scriptures written thousands of years before Galileo stated that the "earth is a circle (or sphere)" and "hanging upon nothing". If you would like to try to disprove that, I'm open minded. But I would suggest backing up your assertions with known facts, not just opinions. Also, the priests & the pope obviously did not read the Bible. Do they today? I have never met a Catholic who read his Bible, and this is not to bash Catholics in any way; they (& many other religions) simply have not been taught to do so. Thanks for the tips on the website... I appreciate it

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Thu, Nov 4, 2004 at 6:52:29 PM | RE: A Peaceful Globe or NOT?




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Everything is not dependent on each other; but some things are dependent on other things. For example, we depend on oxygen, blood, & food & water for life.

Galileo did clash with church, what can we learn from his example?

(excerpt from the 04/22/2003 Awake! magazine article)
Many have concluded that Galileo’s example proves that science and religion are hopelessly incompatible. In effect, over the centuries the Galileo case has alienated people from religion. It has convinced many that religion is by nature a threat to scientific progress. Is that really so?

Pope Urban VIII and the theologians of the Roman Inquisition did in fact condemn the Copernican theory, claiming that it was contrary to the Bible. Galileo’s adversaries referred to Joshua’s statement, “Sun, stand thou still,” which, according to their reading, was to be understood literally. (Joshua 10:12, King James Version) But does the Bible really contradict the Copernican theory? Not at all.

The contradiction lay between science and an obviously incorrect interpretation of Scripture. That was how Galileo saw the matter. He wrote to a pupil: “Even though Scripture cannot err, its interpreters and expositors can, in various ways. One of these, very serious and very frequent, would be when they always want to stop at the purely literal sense.” Any serious student of the Bible would have to agree.

Galileo went further. He claimed that two books, the Bible and the book of nature, were written by the same Author and could not contradict each other. He added, though, that a person could not “with certainty assert that all interpreters speak under divine inspiration.” This implicit criticism of the church’s official interpretation was likely considered a provocation, leading the Roman Inquisition to condemn the scientist. After all, how dare a mere layman interfere with ecclesiastical prerogatives?

Referring to the Galileo case, several scholars have raised doubts about the infallibility of both the church and the pope. Catholic theologian Hans Küng writes that “numerous and indisputable” errors of “the ecclesiastical teaching office,” including “the condemnation of Galileo,” have brought the dogma of infallibility into question.

Galileo Rehabilitated?

In November 1979, a year after his election, John Paul II hoped for a review of the position of Galileo, who, the pope admitted, “had to suffer a great deal . . . at the hands of men and organisms of the Church.” Thirteen years later, in 1992, a commission appointed by the same pope acknowledged: “Certain theologians, Galileo’s contemporaries, . . . failed to grasp the profound, non-literal meaning of the Scriptures when they describe the physical structure of the created universe.”

The fact is, however, that the heliocentric theory was not criticized by theologians alone. Pope Urban VIII, who played a prominent role in the case, rigidly insisted that Galileo refrain from undermining the centuries-old church teaching that the earth is the center of the universe. That teaching came, not from the Bible, but from the Greek philosopher Aristotle.

After the modern-day commission made a laborious review of the case, the pope called the conviction of Galileo “a hasty and unfortunate decision.” Was the scientist being rehabilitated? “To speak, as some do, of Galileo’s rehabilitation is absurd,” says one writer, “because history condemns, not Galileo, but the ecclesiastical court.” Historian Luigi Firpo said: “It is not the place of persecutors to rehabilitate their victims.”

The Bible is “a lamp shining in a dark place.” (2 Peter 1:19) Galileo defended it against a misinterpretation. But the church, by defending a man-made tradition at the Bible’s expense, did the opposite.


An honest reader will readily admit that a statement about the sun standing still in the sky is not meant as a scientific analysis but as a simple observation about how things appeared from the standpoint of human eyewitnesses. Astronomers, too, often speak of the rising and setting of the sun, moon, planets, and stars. They do not mean that these heavenly bodies literally revolve around the earth but, rather, that they appear to move across our sky.

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Thu, Nov 4, 2004 at 6:55:55 PM | RE: A Peaceful Globe or NOT?




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Sleep well? To be truthful, I don't always sleep well. I do fret & worry about many things. A little bit of relaxation certainly does help; I actually find that reading the Bible is very relaxing. I have tried sitting down, laying down; tossing & turning, but reading the Bible has helped distract my mind from thinking about the negative things we see today and helped me sleep at night when I wake up restless. Maybe it will help you too?

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Thu, Nov 4, 2004 at 7:46:16 PM | RE: A Peaceful Globe or NOT?




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Hallo FineDesignz! I had a look on the images you can find on your site under Projects, some of them are about 500 kbyte and they around 800*500 pixels. You have scaled them down in Homestead SiteBuilder LPX. I could see that you used that program. OK! You have to scale the images down in eg. Photoshop making them to the size you will use in Homestead SiteBuilder LPX. The size you want to have on the webbpage... Hope you understand. Just a tips... I didn not say that you cannot find this in the Bible, I was thinking of saying it, but I did not or perhaps I did. Forgive me! OK! I like to have a little discussion with you because you bothers about our globe in some way or another. And most people I belive find this a little too much. Let the politicians discuss it! They know. They are paid for it. What I have been trying to say is that man has been here on this globe for around seven million years living in small groups smelling the others, being able to shake hands, hearing the one you are talking with. Now we are 6 billions connected by electricity in some form as power and "intelligence"=digital making web pages or sending billions of dollars as a message. The economy of US is a ruin and can bring all countries and people in a mess just by sending some digital zeros and ones. Yes I am sleeping very well after meditating - sitting down on my ass -. for half an hour. I have looked up all the verses you have presented to me from the Bible and they have told me something... I have reflected upon them.... so I have tried to read a little from the Bible... Now it is your turn. Try to sit crosslegged in five minutes and you will sleep better and dream nice.... OK! Five minutes it is too little - but it is really hard sitting crosslegged on some cushion - the colour of it does not matter... - OK! so you have to practice for some weeks before you can sit in 1o minutes. If you can sit for twenty minutes you will reach another state of mind... It is not dangerous,,, I believe Jesus was very good on this.... He had experienced something... He tried to told us.,,, Do not distract your eyes on Donald Duck.... only.... Try to concentrate on the real thing.... Read a little in a good book eg The Bible or some other good book and then sit down... And you will sleep better perhaps listen better.... perhaps doing some nice cooking... perhaps trying to solve some problems....

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Fri, Nov 5, 2004 at 8:34:22 AM | RE: A Peaceful Globe or NOT?




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Hallo Finedesignz! I had a look on your website and under Projects I - my I - find a lot of images - here: You have to scale them down as I told you in eg. Photishop. But you also have to convert them to .jpg imagaes - gif-images that is not good! .gif-images have only 256 colors and are good for images with text. Your images are renderings from Revit and they should have millions of colors like .jpg-images have, Hope you understand my small tips! Hope so! Or just ask me and I will try to answer. And the meditation how is it going? Have you got some pain in your back after sitting down some minutes? Have you felt asleep a little better? OK! If you can do it in 20 minutes - sitting down a bit crosslegged - then it will have some greater effect! A new state of mind! Why crosslegged? perhaps you are wondering? Well that is the same reason as then you are praying - you cross your hands even the fingers you can cross. And that is good for your concentration. You can not put butter on the bread with hands crossing. You cannot make a nice table or coocking a good meal or driving with your legs crossing. You have to concentrate and see what will happen. I am sure Jesus did it many times - and all the other guys have done it like Muhammed and Buddha. And some dolls have done it too! And they have found something the same thing as my I have found perhaps. And they have tried to tell it to others, And they have listened. Perhaps read old books about it, but to practice it you have to bend down your ego a bit and that is not so easy - and then perhaps become egoless for some minutes and that is nice .- the same thing as then you were born and then you will die .- why not try it for sone minutes then you are alive? So tell your friends - Jehova´s Witnesses or not - to try it for themselves as you perhaps have begun to do - sitting down crosslegged. You can tell the ones you do not like too! Perhaps they will not listen - perhaps they listen and have a try themselves. So once more I will tell you and everybody else: A simple idea - a concrete proposal: Why not sit down(crosslegged) half an hour every day at the same time around the globe? It will be like a wave going around the globe of people sitting down eg at noon breathing and being breathed understanding that everyones I´s ideas and feelings - opinions - are important - listening to our own I:s common secret that cannot be expressed in words - not even in a single word or sign. Hopefully our I:s can in the same time calm down and wake up - to learn to trust each others I:s - not making the world either to a mess or to a prison - instead to something good for each of us. That is my simple idea - concrete proposal. What do you think? Let us hear it! I Googled for: crosslegged and found some i- mages here are some of them:

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