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Tue, Nov 2, 2004 at 11:18:46 AM | RE: A Peaceful Globe or NOT?




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JJacobs has an excellent point. And quite a good scripture to incorporate, I really appreciate how you expounded on the word knowledge that was used in the original language. However, what do you suppose was meant by "doing the will of my Father who is in the heavens"?

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Tue, Nov 2, 2004 at 12:51:38 PM | RE: A Peaceful Globe or NOT?




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Hallo FineDesignz! You had a question to me. It is interesting to discuss with someone interested in those things - but I believe you cannot discuss it - you have to sit down and experience it. And that is hard - to sit down - most people they always are occupied - working -perhaps making drawings with Revit - and they have perhaps some hobby - and most people in some way or another are competing with others trying to win something or they are occupied by helping others - sure that is nice and very good, but perhaps they got no time for themselves siitng down. Just sitting down in silence not chatting with others - there is not many understanding what it is good for. 'Most I believe they think it is just stupid, crazy... And discussing difficult questions - it is nice - but it keeps you from doing the thing - sitting down. So I will make you perhaps dissapointed - I will not try to answer. I hope you understand why? Because I thnk the thing is to get yourself to sit down in half an hour in silence. If I would try to answer the question we could go on discussing - sure interesting, but... I will not say the same thing one more time. I think you have understood.. Try to sit down half an hour. It is very hard... You can start with five minutes or ten minutes meditating. If you manage I am the first to congratulate you. If you manage to sit in twenty minutes after a week of training I believe you have forgotten your question. And perhaps you can have a good laugh instead to yourself making difficult questions - instead doing something you have been planning for a long time - but you have not have time to do. Who knows? It was just a fantasy turning up in my head. Wherefrom I do not know... So once more thank you for answering and discussing - having interesting questions. But I will only say - Sit down, please! If you like too. You decide. Let your I decide, see what happens. Perhaps you will sit down. I do not know. So once more: A simple idea - a concrete proposal: Why not sit down half an hour every day at the same time around the globe? It will be like a wave going around the globe of people sitting down eg at noon breathing and being breathed understanding that everyones I´s ideas and feelings - opinions - are important - listening to our own I:s common secret that cannot be expressed in words - not even in a single word or sign. Hopefully our I:s can in the same time calm down and wake up - to learn to trust each others I:s - not making the world either to a mess or to a prison - instead to something good for each of us. That is my simple idea - concrete proposal. What do you think? Let us hear it!

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Tue, Nov 2, 2004 at 1:59:15 PM | RE: A Peaceful Globe or NOT?




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Well, I read your post; however, (and certainly no disrespect intended) I don't quite understand what sitting down has to do with understanding the problems on the globe. I was sitting down when I posted those replies and I still am.

Your post puzzles me because you said you agree with and believe the things I posted, but at the same time indicated they were puzzling to you and people just argued back & forth. This is true in general, because people believe what they want to believe. However, that does not mean what they believe is the truth. You can believe that the sky is green if you want, while we all see that it's blue.

I'm not sure where your insistance on "sitting down" comes from; but the taking in of knowledge is what's important. The thread was started with a series of posts indicating poor world conditions; a problem? a question might arise: Why is there so much suffering in the world? Will it ever stop? Does God care?

These questions are on the minds of many; but they often refuse to look to the Bible for answers. If there is a Creator, and He does care, then he would provide the answers in the Bible for us today. The Bible is the only book that took 1600 years to write, written by 40 different men who lived during different time periods, a book that claims to be inspired of God (1 Timothy 3:16,17), and has never been wrong.

History, such as the conquest of Alexander the Great, was fortold more than 200 years before it happened by the prophet Daniel in chapter 8, verses 1-8, 20-22.
The fall of Babylon, also foretold by the prophet Isaiah; details of whom would conquer it, how it would fall; all of which were later verified by secular historians.

Scientifically, too, the Bible is accurate:
Job 26Blushing - "[God] is stretching out the north over the empty place, hanging the earth upon nothing.”
Isaiah 40:22 -“There is One who is dwelling above the circle of the earth.”
(The word circle can be used to denote a "sphere"Winking

These words were completed by 732 C.E.; more than 2000 years before Columbus.

Don't you find this "knowledge" interesting?

Why is it interesting to me? Because the Bible fortells what would be happening today, what conditions would be like, and what would take place shortly afterward. And based on ALL prior Bible prophecies, we have every reason to believe what the Bible says will happen, will actually take place; regardless of whether the human governments acknowledge this or not.

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Tue, Nov 2, 2004 at 2:06:30 PM | RE: A Peaceful Globe or NOT?




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I have another question for JJacobs, if he would be so kind as to humor me. I noticed you quoted from the King James version; which is fine. I've found that, in most cases, it is accurate. However, have you ever noticed that the divine name for the Creator, which in Hebrew is YHWH, some pronounce it Yahweh. The widely accepted English translation is Jehovah. (and there are other translations for various languages, which isn't my question) Why does this name, which appeared more than 7000 times in the original Old Testament, not appear in the current King James version AT ALL? Why has it been replaced with Lord or God, which is very impersonal, inaccurate, and makes it difficult to differentiate between the Lord used to identify Jesus Christ, and the Lord used to identify YHWH, or Jehovah? I should note, however, that "Jehovah" has been restored to it's original place in the New World Translation.

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Tue, Nov 2, 2004 at 2:21:59 PM | RE: A Peaceful Globe or NOT?




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Mr. GG-

One more post; I just realized I overlooked a very valuable question you raised about what Jesus said about "No one comes to the Father except through me"

You've raised a very valuable point, who is the Father? Where is his Mother? And what does this mean?

The father IS in fact, his Father, our Creator of the universe Jehovah God. (Psalms 83:1Shadey

Jesus is described at Colossians 1:15 as the firstborn of all creation.
(Colossians 1:15-1Shadey - "He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation; because by means of him all [other] things were created in the heavens and upon the earth, the things visible and the things invisible, no matter whether they are thrones or lordships or governments or authorities. All [other] things have been created through him and for him. Also, he is before all [other] things and by means of him all [other] things were made to exist, and he is the head of the body, the congregation."

Jehovah God created first His Son, which was the only thing created directly created by Jehovah God. His Son, who later was called Jesus Christ, was used by his Father to create all other things. Jesus is described as Wisdom, personified, at (Proverbs 8:22-31.
Which states:
Jehovah himself produced me as the beginning of his way, the earliest of his achievements of long ago. From time indefinite I was installed, from the start, from times earlier than the earth. When there were no watery deeps I was brought forth as with labor pains, when there were no springs heavily charged with water. Before the mountains themselves had been settled down, ahead of the hills, I was brought forth as with labor pains, when as yet he had not made the earth and the open spaces and the first part of the dust masses of the productive land. When he prepared the heavens I was there; when he decreed a circle upon the face of the watery deep, when he made firm the cloud masses above, when he caused the fountains of the watery deep to be strong, when he set for the sea his decree that the waters themselves should not pass beyond his order, when he decreed the foundations of the earth,  then I came to be beside him as a master worker, and I came to be the one he was specially fond of day by day, I being glad before him all the time, being glad at the productive land of his earth, and the things I was fond of were with the sons of men.

Jesus Christ was the one Jehovah God spoke to when he said, at Genesis 1:26 "And God went on to say: “Let us make man in our image, according to our likeness, and let them have in subjection the fish of the sea and the flying creatures of the heavens and the domestic animals and all the earth and every moving animal that is moving upon the earth.”

Ask me another one.

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Tue, Nov 2, 2004 at 2:29:23 PM | RE: A Peaceful Globe or NOT?




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This topic is explained in clear, simple, concise terms at: Then click "World Affairs and Condtions" link. All of the publications shown display questions that can be answered.

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Tue, Nov 2, 2004 at 4:13:27 PM | RE: A Peaceful Globe or NOT?




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Hallo FineDesignz! The problem is as I see it that people believe in so different things - or/and - their thoughts and feelings are occupied of so different views - so they will not listen to each other. And they have no neutral ground that can make them listening to each other and not trying to shout so loud so other people cannot be heard. Sitting down in silence is perhaps I hope and believe a way to begin a meaningsful communication. If everyone sat down for about half an hour every day around the globe hopefully after that half an hour people would listen a little more and shout a little less. You have a strong belief I can understand. But there is other people also having strong beliefs. Perhaps they also will tell that their beliefs are from a source they can trust eg a god with some name. As you told me there can be many names on the same source. Now how can this people begin to communicate - listening to each other -. not shouting to each other - it is a problem - not doing each other harm - instead helping each other, And nowadays I think most people do not believe so much in god(s). They want to produce/consume - and they can occupy themselves with coocking - knitting - motorcycling - video/telly-looking - computers - Revit and a lot of other nice programs... and lots of other things. And I believe those people do not listen to others too always. Or perhaps they do not listen to themselves - trying to get a view - an opinion they can share with others. And now we are a group of six billion humans on earth - really hard both to listen and speak to each others as individuals. And natural science is so strong - you measure something - and you have it confirm to a formula - and you can do a lot of nice things - but also bad ones. You do not have to listen so much to others if you are putting together new materials with nanotechnology or using genetics or RFID or some weapon or money technology. Those systems are kind of "shout"-systems - not listening to others. So you know my idea - my concrete proposal. Let us sit down half an hour a day all of us. So my question to you: Have you tried that? If not - why not? If you have done - what did you think of it? Will you recommend it to others? If you have not done it -. sit down twenty minutes in silence and I believe you have something to tell me - like everyone having been on a journey - they have lot of things to tell about what they experienced.

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Tue, Nov 2, 2004 at 4:43:44 PM | RE: A Peaceful Globe or NOT?




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Okay... Here's an article that discusses your proposal in a non-biased manor. Transcendental Meditation—for Christians? “I’M HAPPIER. I think more clearly and work more efficiently, I find myself more involved in helping other people. I’ve learned to deal with stress, and at the end of the day I have more energy left for my family life.” This is typical of comments by persons who claim that their lives have taken a turn for the better through the practice of “transcendental meditation,” also known as “TM.” Claims concerning the value of TM have aroused the interest of many. For example, back in 1972, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, founder of the TM movement, announced a “World Plan,” one of the goals of which would be “to solve the problems of crime and all behavior that brings unhappiness to the family of man.” Likely the idea of overcoming stress and finding a solution to world problems appeals to you. Should you therefore take up transcendental meditation? Some persons might approach this question by trying to analyze scientific claims regarding the state of deep relaxation that transcendental meditation is said to produce. But to a person interested in pleasing the Creator, a wiser approach is to investigate whether the practice harmonizes with the Holy Bible, which is “inspired of God.”—2 Tim. 3:16. What is transcendental meditation? It involves sitting upright with eyes closed and letting the mind drift effortlessly toward a word or phrase known as a “mantra.” Advocates of TM say that it is neither a religion nor a philosophy nor a way of life. They advertise TM as simply “a natural and effortless technique for improving all aspects of life.” Is this so or is TM actually a religious practice that conflicts with Bible teaching? What do the facts reveal? Did you notice that Maharishi himself is called a “yogi”? That term refers to one supposed to have achieved “union” with God, or “God-consciousness” through the Hindu practice of yoga (Sanskrit for “union”). Interesting, too, is how the Encyclopædia Britannica (1976) defines “mantra”: “in Hinduism and Buddhism, a sacred utterance (syllable, word or verse) considered to possess mystical or spiritual efficacy. . . . Mantras continue to be an important feature of Hindu religious rites and domestic ceremonies. Initiation into many sects involves the whispering of a secret mantra into the ear of the initiate by the guru (spiritual teacher).” The Hindu connections of TM are especially evident in the initiation ceremony. For that occasion, a candidate must bring along pieces of fruit, a white handkerchief and some flowers. The TM teacher, or “initiator,” places these upon an “altar” containing a candle, incense and a picture of Swami Brahmananda Sarasvati Maharaj, also known as “Guru Dev.” After lighting the candle and incense, the initiator chants in the Sanskrit language a “puja” (worship). In a lengthy “invocation” to Hindu divinities and holy men, the puja includes the following: “To LORD NARAYANA, to lotus-born BRAHMA the Creator . . . I bow down. . . . To the glory of the Lord I bow down again and again, at whose door the whole galaxy of gods pray for perfection day and night.” This chant continues with numerous praises of “Shri Guru Dev.” One of these praises mentions the Hindu trinity of Brahma, Vishnu and Siva, as follows: “GURU in the glory of BRAHMA, GURU in the glory of VISHNU, GURU in the glory of the great LORD SHIVA.” In view of this, why do many claim that TM is not a religious practice? To make it more palatable to the public. In The Science of Being and Art of Living (page 299), Maharishi (called “His Holiness” on the title page) explains: “Whenever and wherever religion dominates the mass consciousness, transcendental deep meditation should be taught in terms of religion. Whenever and wherever metaphysical thinking dominates the consciousness of society, transcendental deep meditation should be taught in metaphysical terms, openly aiming at the fulfillment of the current metaphysical thought. Whenever and wherever politics dominates the mass consciousness, transcendental deep meditation should be taught in terms of and from the platform of politics, aiming at bringing fulfillment to the political aspirations of the generation. Whenever and wherever economics dominates the mass consciousness, transcendental deep meditation should be taught from the level of economics, with the aim of bringing fulfillment to the economic aspirations and goals of the time.” “So,” someone may object, “what difference does it make whether transcendental meditation is related to Hindu worship?” According to the Scriptures, it makes an important difference. How so? The Bible plainly declares that the majority of the world’s religious beliefs and practices do not meet God’s approval. For instance, the apostle Paul wrote: “The things which the nations sacrifice they sacrifice to demons, and not to God; and I do not want you to become sharers with the demons.” (1 Cor. 10:20) On the other hand, Jesus taught that “true worshipers will worship the Father with spirit and truth.” (John 4:23) As to the only source of truth, Jesus said in prayer to God: “Your word is truth.” (John 17:17) Let us compare some features of transcendental meditation with the revealed “word” of God, as found in the inspired Scriptures. As to who should be the object of all worship, Jesus stated: “It is Jehovah your God you must worship, and it is to him alone you must render sacred service.” (Matt. 4:10) We have already seen that, especially in its initiation ceremony, TM involves praise to Hindu gods and holy men. Can a person worship ‘Jehovah alone’ and participate in something like that? And for Bible believers there is another serious objection. It is known that persons who delve into advanced states of yoga-type meditation often claim to develop powers of divination, which may include ability to predict future events. According to the Bible, non-worshipers of Jehovah who have such occult powers get them from wicked spirit forces, or demons. (Acts 16:16) Might not transcendental meditation open one up to such spiritistic influence? Noteworthy is a comment of Maharishi concerning the purpose of mantras: “We do something here according to Vedic rites, particular specific chanting to produce an effect in some other world, draw the attention of those higher beings or gods living there. The entire knowledge of the mantras or hymns of the Vedas is devoted to man’s connection, to man’s communications with the higher beings in different strata of creation.” Since the Scriptures portray non-Biblical worship as going “to demons, and not to God,” any “higher beings” contacted through mantra chanting would be among those whom the Scriptures call “wicked spirit forces in the heavenly places.” (1 Cor. 10:20; Eph. 6:12) Does it make sense to become involved in any way with a practice that in advanced states can lead to demonic influence? What of the goal to make TM a significant means “to solve the problems of crime and all behavior that brings unhappiness to the family of man”? Scripturally speaking, that is impossible, for transcendental meditation does not come to grips with the real causes of world woes. Why not? For one thing, the Bible attributes much of the failure, frustration and futility of human endeavors to inherited sin. (Ps. 51:5; Eccl. 7:20; Rom. 8:20) Even sickness, aging and death result from man’s imperfect condition due to sin. (Matt. 9:1-8; Rom. 5:12; 6:23) Moreover, the Bible reveals the principal cause of world woes to be “the one called Devil and Satan, who is misleading the entire inhabited earth.” (Rev. 12:9) Along with the Devil, the Bible shows that a host of demons function as “world rulers.”—Eph. 6:12. The real solution to world problems centers around God’s Son, Jesus Christ. According to the Bible, removal of human sin and death can come about only through Jesus’ ransom sacrifice. (Matt. 20:28; Acts 4:12; 1 Tim. 2:5, 6) And it is a heavenly Kingdom government made up of Jesus Christ and associated “holy ones” that will replace all earthly kingdoms with divine rule extended earth wide.—Dan. 7:13, 14, 21, 22, 27; 2:34, 44, 45. What, though, of playing down the religious aspects and fantastic claims regarding transcendental meditation, and viewing it as merely a means of relaxing and getting rid of excess tension? Surely there is nothing wrong with relaxing. Jesus himself drew away from the crowds to rest up. (Mark 6:31, 32) But he did not do so in ways that would violate Scriptural guidelines. With regard to the religiously linked practice of transcendental meditation, however, it is good to consider that, with reference to false religious practices, the apostle Paul warned that even “a little leaven ferments the whole lump.” (Gal. 5: 9; compare Matthew 13:33; 16:6, 11, 12.) Indicating the correct view for Christians regarding any practice related to false religion, the Scriptures admonish: “Do not become unevenly yoked with unbelievers. For what fellowship do righteousness and lawlessness have? Or what sharing does light have with darkness? . . . ’ “Therefore get out from among them, and separate yourselves,” says Jehovah, “and quit touching the unclean thing”’; ‘“and I will take you in.”’”—2 Cor. 6:14-17.

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Tue, Nov 2, 2004 at 5:35:29 PM | RE: A Peaceful Globe or NOT?



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Quoting FineDesignz - 2004-11-02 11:18:46

"However, what do you suppose was meant by "doing the will of my Father who is in the heavens"?"

This means that God has a plan, or a will. We have to coorporate and do what He wants us to do. We have the option of not doing what God wants, but it's obvious from the verse what the result of that course of action will be.

In response to your question about KJV (and not to be picky I quoted using the NKJV) I'm not too particular about the translation I use, I actually really like the New Living Translation. NKJV happened to be the default version when I pulled up the verse to cut and paste it into here.

KJV is also the most widly used for Biblical reference material because it's so old. Strongs Concordance, Vines, and conversion materails to Greek or Hebrew are mostly based on KJV, so you're almost forced to use it do to a detailed study on a verse.

I understand that there could be problems with KJV, I've also read about translation problems with NIV. There are translated by man, and all of them may have mistakes of some kind. What is perfect is the origional language.

Post edited on 2005-06-13 03:45:04

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Tue, Nov 2, 2004 at 5:45:52 PM | RE: A Peaceful Globe or NOT?




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Thanks for your answer! You did not answer my questions if you had tried to sit down, but you looked up some things and that is nice. Both your I and my I have got a little more knowledge. And that can be good, perhaps we have learnt something sharing views. And that was my idea of saying why not sit down all of us some minutes every day, Now I think all people sit down relaxing every day so perhaps my suggestion is already fulfilled. Hope so?!., TM - Transcendental Meditation it was something 30 years ago. I have not been involved in that. Many young people went to India and spoke to some guru. Hopefully they learnt something - also the guru!!! They were not going to India shooting at other people that was good. Shouting and shooting are not so good I believe - better listen. I think we have listened both of us to each other. What made me especially glad was this in what you wrote: Surely there is nothing wrong with relaxing. Jesus himself drew away from the crowds to rest up. (Mark 6:31, 32) Perhaps he not only rested up! I believe he was sitting down in silence - like other persons who has got a belief in something staying, swaying in everything. And I believe every one of us have it... in some way or another without putting a name to it. Sit down twenty minutes and then tell me what happened! I can tell you I believe that you will fall asleep a little easier after that. And that can be a good thing if you have problems with falling asleep. Or perhaps you could not fall asleep. When you can tell me that. It can be interesting I hope. There is so many people trying to sleep and they cannot do it... just thinking, thinking, thinking the whole night... being tired the next day.,.

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Tue, Nov 2, 2004 at 6:05:40 PM | RE: A Peaceful Globe or NOT?




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Now we are three persons talking with each other. Hallo jjacobs! Nice to meet you. Three persons - a little group!!! Just a suggestion - why not have a little discussion more discussion forums at Revitcity - I think many of the members are interested in architecture. Different types of design and construction. Perhaps someone has nice pictures to upload. I hope you have looked at my link to the languages of Papua - New Guinea. 800 languages!!! That I believe is fantastic. The way people have been living on this globe in so many - million years. OK! Only seven millions, not ten or twenty. Just seven.... Perhaps Revitcity can have a forum for travellers showing architecture - building systems from different parts of the globe. I believe today that many of the buildings are just sh-t... People will have their money back to soon - making cheap constructions - using new materials and the ones living and working in the buildings get asthma - allergic reactions. OK! They say it depends on the new unproven materials - but I mean that the real problem is people not listening to others - not caring - they have not trained sitting down in silence - just rushing - and they perhaps have to take some pill to sleep. jjacobs have you tried to sit down in silence? If so did you find it good?

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Tue, Nov 2, 2004 at 11:11:11 PM | RE: A Peaceful Globe or NOT?




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I will tell you a story. It is about a bird - a very colourfull bird - easy to see. It is flying over an island. The name of the island I do not really know. But on the island there are around 1000 languages. And every language is spoken of around 1000 people. It will make one million inhabitants on the island. The people live in around 1000 separate groups. They do not have very much contact with each other because there are so many high mountains hard to climb between the groups. The bird is flying over the island and then people see it they will look up in the sky and point at it and tell the name of the bird. The bird hears all those 1000 different sounds. One day it understands that the different sounds are its name. The bird thinks this a bit crazy. Why can they not use the same sound for me? I will learn them what to call me. OK! That was the beginning of the story. What is going to happen now? You have to use your own fantasy to create the rest of the story. Here is another variant. The same bird and the same island. I think I will build roads between the groups the bird says to itself. And the next day there were roads! What this will result in you have to use your fantasy to make it up. Another one - after building roads. I will tell them they ought to have a president. No, I think I give them to canditates. No, perhaps better with around 1000 candidates. No, I will make all of them to presidents. As you understand you have to use your fantasy again to tell the rest of the story. So one day the birds look down on the island and discover that the inhabitants has developped a lot of machinery they understand to govern by some laws they have discovered by measuring time and space. But they do not use the machines only to good things. They use them also to ill-doings. And there are now a few different groups and a few languages left on the island. And the presidents of the groups and the ones nearest to them make a lot of mischief not only to other groups but also to the people in their own group. And the bird thinks again. I will tell them they have to sit down half an hour every day in silence every one of them. What will happen? Yes, you have to use your own fantasy again. And here is yet another beginning of a story about a bird flying over the same island. No, I think you will have to use your own fantasy both to make the beginning of the story and what was happening next... to the bird and the people living on that island.

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Wed, Nov 3, 2004 at 10:51:36 AM | RE: A Peaceful Globe or NOT?




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Well... sounds like you've got it figured out. And man's only been PROVEN to be around for a little over 6,000 years... And the languages were at one time only one; then God confused the languages at the tower of Babel because, as usual, they weren't doing what He had asked. Also, for JJacobs (and thank you for answering my question): What exactly is the Will of God right now? You'd mentioned the consequences, but what are we supposed to be doing (in laymen's terms) that will help us please God? I'll give you a hint: What did Jesus spend almost all of his time doing? (Luke 8: first part of vs. 1) What did Jesus apostles spend almost all of their time doing? (Luke 9:1,2) What did Jesus many disciples spend almost all of their time doing? Luke 10:1,9) (and it's not healing or curing sick ones)

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Wed, Nov 3, 2004 at 12:56:28 PM | RE: A Peaceful Globe or NOT?




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Hallo again! I was afraid that you FineDesignz and jjacobs had listened to me and sat meditating and could not rise having a real ache in the back.... You were so silent.... Hope you have got humor.... As you perhaps have understood I am not quite of the same opinion as you two - what I can understand so are you two members of Jehova´s Witnesses. I do not believe you can read something in a book and hold it for true without testing it yourself. You have to experience itself, as Jesus did then sitting in silence. And I believe Jesus listened to other people. He discussed with them. He did not tell them I have read this in a book and then it is true. Instead he told people "I am the way" - my I and your I and all our I:s You have to understand what he told us and that is not easy. You have to sit down as he did to understand!I Perhaps you do not believe me. But have you sat down for twenty minutes? If you have I will believe you a little more, And I believe Jesus also would believe in you a little more. He would say: Those are experienced guys. They have tested themselves. They are good guys. Sure I can talk to them and they will listen. Then I am dead I believe those guys perhaps can learn others what I tried to teach them. Sit down in silence. OK! Just a little fantasy. This is not true. It was just one of my fantasies. Trying to communicate something hard to say one only word about, What I like with you two guys are that even if you believe in what you read you can reason with yourself and others. jjacobs is studying a little greek and trying to discover the different meanings in a word. That is nice. It is working with your own fantasy a bit. And FineDesignz you have found a lot of different aspects - looking to what other have said - like the ones in Transcendental Meditation and then comparing yourself. That is the way I think we all have to do. Think a little and discuss with ourselves and others. But not only as natural scientists tell us - just measuring and making formulas. We have to sit down in silence and listen to or own voice and to something that is a little bigger than our own I:s that is like buildings made in Revit or some other program. Constructions .- plans - connected to reality - to the one and only - but still a little to much blindfolded of our own opinions - just following the formulas of natural science to construct those buildings. Perhaps forgetting the birds. You know that you can make nesting boxes to the birds in Revit. I did one and uploaded it to the gallery but you took it away jjacobs I believe it was you - but it does not matter - I forgive you if it was you - perhaps it was someone else? hjacobs? If it was he I forgive him too.... or whoever it was who took avay my Revit nesting box. It was not a project I told. Can there be a better project than making nesting boxes to the birds? Have you - yourself - ever, never done one? But I get scared when you say this is the worlds end and then comes paradise. Have you understood that is what the priests of some other religions also have told the people eg the priests of the Vikings. But that was 1000 years ago and nowadays no one beliefs in the sayings of the Viking priests. Those beliefs are old fantasies. And the Vikings had a lot of gods. They were not christians or muslims or sonething other religion with just one god. They had a quite different religion - like the romans or the greeks and then how can it be that they had the same fantasies as Jehovas Witnesses´s??? Or Jehovas Witnesses´s have the same fantasies as the ones having lot of gods.... Sure i believe you have some good answer on that one... You can for certain read it in the book, or perhaps you cannot then the ones living in the Middle East did not know the Vikings.... or perhaps they had visited the future - like some marsians - going into the futire saying hallo to the Vikings still not born in the times of Moses and Job and the other priests of that time long before Jesus and his time, If you really want to know something - you can turn to the writings of some anthropolgist like Claude Levi-Strauss and all those tales groups throughout the times have had about the world. I hope you do not get upset then I am critizing your beliefs a bit because if you have a belief saying we want to go to the paradise after end of the world, then you will folliow that belief and you will hurt other people who like to live here and now and in the future not turning this world into a mess or a prison. I would say to you: Better use your fantasy to make this world better for all of us. And sometimes - hopefully every day - sitting down in silence and trying to listen to this creation that has its good sides and not only destructive ones. Someone of you who have tested sitting down in silence? I have not got any answer yet of you on that question.... And to have that question answered would be fine - because then I know you have done an experience yourself not reading words in a book - that you have done exactly what the guy you and also I belive was one good fellow saying: I am son of God - if you understand what he told you - everyones I can and always are connected to the whole universe - but the connection can be more or less stable - like electricity - you have to sit down in silence to really be able to make those electric circuits functioning. Shit now I was using a lot of words again. That is not the only good. Test siiting down and then come back and tell me... If you got upset of what I told you just sit down and relax... not using words.... words are made up of our fantasies,,,,

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Wed, Nov 3, 2004 at 1:17:44 PM | RE: A Peaceful Globe or NOT?




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Well... hopefully we learned something from each other. I'm certainly not offended; many criticize the beliefs of Jehovah's Witnesses. Also, I do not know if JJacobs is one of Jehovah's Witnesses or not. Many are mis-informed by other religious leaders & government officials. This is not new. Jesus said his followers would be persecuted. And Jehovah's Witnesses have been on a global scale. In fact, we are the only religion disliked by ALL religions; in fact many former opposing religious groups have united against Jehovah's Witnesses. (John 15:17-27) But, it's not for us to fight back. Our goal is to give a witness throughout all the inhabited earth about God's Kingdom, teaching & delcaring all that we have been taught. (Matthew 24:14, 28:19,20) If you would like to learn more or have a free home Bible study, contact Jehovah's WItnesses in your area or the Watchtower Society at Mr GG: I don't mean to offend you; butI'm not in to fantasizing or meditating; men have been following their own inclinations for thousands of years and of what good has come of it? A lot of bad things, the things you yourself mentioned. It is only beneficial to gain knowledge of the truth found in God's Word, the Bible. (Psalms 146:3) (Proverbs 3:5,6)

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