koolair- i do try to encourage members to only post stuff related to revit
or the site- but that's just for my own interest- i would never delete anything
anyone posted- especially in this part of the forum.. but to better understand
why so much stuff does get deleted- you need to understand what revitcity.com
is.. back in about 2003 somebody registered this domain and set up this forum
software- and apparently they lost intereest in the site after there were about
50 members and turned over access to the forum software to all of them..
today only 10 of those members care enough about the site to participate
in what the 10 have established as their "member ranking" system.. those 10
members are just random visitors to revit city.. most were- and still are-
interested in revit- but one of them- Hub- just came here probably to be
a troll.. it's widely believed that Hub is the only one of those 10 that never
actually had any interest in revit- although many years ago Hub did post a
parking lot made in revit- but it's doubtful Hub actually made it- and has
never posted anything made with revit since.. that's why Hub deletes postings
and insults members.. Hub is simply a troll who accidentally stumbled upon
an opportunity to make a troll career out of revit city.. Typhoon is another
example- but Typhoon truly is interested in revit as would be expected from
any random member.. although Typhoon can be quite rude and abusive at
times and does like the wars- Typhoon is not a career troll like Hub.. several of
these 10 "ranked" members are constantly getting into wars with other members
where they hack each others' accounts and take down each others' connections..
one of them is always trying to take down my connection or hack my account or
delete what i post.. and that's been my experience here at revit city for many
years.. so if you want to expose what they do- like deleting what you post- you
might be joining that group that is forever at war with other members.. but
nothing really meaningful happens from these wars- and it's just a small number
of the 10- led by Hub- that enjoys those wars.. they are actually "anarchists" it
seems to me.. anyway i just thought i would fill you in since you seem to be quite
intelligent and want to know what is going on with everything.. but honestly- for me-
i like the way revit city is.. revit city has been like a second home to me for 6 years..
and i just want to learn more and more about revit.. please see my work-
(California Stucco)- in the revit city gallery.. thanks