I have been dedicated to finding novel ways of rotating things into any position I want and have come up with more than one solution. I have yet to encounter something that I could not rotate.
I didn't read the whole thred so I'm responding to User ccdave
Wed, Feb 22, 2012 at 7:39:32 PM | Cannot Rotate Element Into This Position?!
Joined: Wed, Feb 22, 2012 3 Posts No Rating
I downloaded the file.
The first thing you need to do is lock your dimensions. After doing that, I went to the front elevation where I found a refence line with an angle parameter and an extrusion sitting on top of the line.
Right out of the box, if I changed the angle parameter, I got the error message about unsatisfied constraints at the same time, the extrusion changed dimensions, even with the dimensions locked.
The solution to this is as follows:
From the Front Elevation, Select the extrusion then click on “Edit Work Plane” from the ribbon menu.
Of the 4 alternatives that pop up, choose “Pick a plane” and then click on the reference line. Why do they say to pick a plane when you need to select a line? These are some of the mysteries of Revit.
Anyway, by doing this, the reference line is now the host for the extrusion and it will follow it anywhere without changing dimensions.