I will share what I have. From what I read in this thread, your arguments were moving away from the subject. You were hiding behind "Revit is different than Autocad", but never explained why programmers created Revit coordinate system the way it is. Maybe thats because you re not confident about this subject. But, are you to blame for it? Absolutely no.
Check these links:
Countless posts here, big-shots arguing: https://forums.autodesk.com/t5/revit-architecture-forum/move-project-to-origin-point/td-p/7578661
Big-shot David Light speaks about how he helped setting up large projects: http://autodesk-revit.blogspot.rs/2013/07/shared-coordinates.html
Hopeless user who followed the workflow recommended by big-shots but got into problems anyway: https://forums.autodesk.com/t5/revit-architecture-forum/project-set-up/m-p/7617231#M174502
Some guy trying to explain Revit coordinate system, he writes esseys sustained by nothing. Who he is? Is he reliable? Autodesk author? No. https://forums.autodesk.com/t5/revit-architecture-forum/revit-coordinate-system-and-project-site-setup/td-p/6350513
When you see this subjects where people argue about "who knows the truth" and when you see long explenations about something that is not confirmed, you must use Autodesk help as the most reliable source of information.
Lets see what can be found there:
Positioning: https://knowledge.autodesk.com/support/revit-products/learn-explore/caas/CloudHelp/cloudhelp/2018/ENU/Revit-Model/files/GUID-595C5BC0-EE23-4C6E-AD0C-9BCBF6598615-htm.html
If you look at the sublinks, you will find workflow for setting up project base point and survey point. They mentioned "clipped" and "unclipped" state and how to use it. Did they say why "clipped" and "unclipped" state was invented at all? No.
Revit Coordinate System: https://knowledge.autodesk.com/support/revit-products/learn-explore/caas/CloudHelp/cloudhelp/2018/ENU/Revit-Model/files/GUID-E67ED082-2556-475B-84A7-4605329F612F-htm.html
Beside Pr Base Point and Survey Point, they mention "the internal Origin". Did they mark the internal Origin? No. To make things worse, there is a limited range between Pr Base Point and the invisible origin....
They didnt mention a thing about a mess that you re getting into if you are using Specify Coordinates at Point: https://knowledge.autodesk.com/support/revit-products/learn-explore/caas/CloudHelp/cloudhelp/2018/ENU/Revit-Model/files/GUID-89298C90-FD56-4DA2-9DA2-84D29BA8A21E-htm.html
Just look how many people have problems after using this. So, the company needs to hire some big-shot like David Light just so that it can make a basic project setup and start working. Is that how it works???
Its not just you that doesn't have a clue about this, 90% of users are just as confused. See, thats the problem... Revit was created chaoticly. Thats the worst choice for no1 BIM platform (yet, it offered the best idea so far). It is not user friendly. Then, Autodask bought that garbege and did their marketing. They improved it, yes... But, these things cant be upgraided. It is the very core of the program and fixing this would mean to code the whole thing all over again.
I assume you love Revit and many of us have affections for some of its features. Regardless, face that it has flaws.
Edited on: Thu, Dec 14, 2017 at 9:31:29 AM