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Thu, Oct 28, 2004 at 5:40:04 PM | A Peaceful Globe or NOT?




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A Peaceful Globe or NOT? Try to place a world map image on a globe in Revit and it will result in a mess. To see the result have a look in the Gallery on "The Globe Project" - perhaps Revit 7 or 8 will do it right? But this is a little problem compared to the global problem not being able to live in peace. What use do we have of Revit 7 or Revit 8... after a WORLD WAR III with the real globe in a mess? Google - find out for yourself!!! what is happening to our globe??? Here are some links you can try: Advisers to the US government published a document in september 2000 saying on page 63: Further, the process of transformation,even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new PEARL HARBOR. In Washington Post you can read what Bush wrote in his diary 11th september 2001 - "The PEARL HARBOR of the 21st century took place today."¬Found=true President Franklin D Roosevelt(FDR) provoked the attack on PEARL HARBOR, knew about it in advance and covered up his failure to warn the Hawaiian commanders. FDR needed the attack to sucker Hitler to declare war, since the public and Congress were overwhelmingly against entering the war in Europe. It was his backdoor to war. And if it was the planes bringing down World Trade Center how can it be that there were two planes but three buildings - also World Trade Center 7 - And why was not the demolition of WTC7 investigated in a correct manner - And why are there so many unanswered questions about 911 - THE PEARL HARBOR OF OUR TIME -

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Fri, Oct 29, 2004 at 2:31:45 PM | RE: A Peaceful Globe or NOT?




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And why are there so many unanswered questions about 911 - THE PEARL HARBOR OF OUR TIME? October 28, 2004 Two men who worked extensively in the wreckage of the World Trade Center claim they helped federal agents find three of the four “black boxes” from the jetliners that struck the towers on 9/11 - contradicting the official account. Both the independent 9/11 Commission and federal authorities continue to insist that none of the four devices - a cockpit voice recorder (CVR) and flight data recorder (FDR) from the two planes - were ever found in the wreckage. But New York City firefighter Nicholas DeMasi has written in a recent book -- self-published by several Ground Zero workers -- that he escorted federal agents on an all-terrain vehicle in October 2001 and helped them locate three of the four...

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Fri, Oct 29, 2004 at 6:06:19 PM | RE: A Peaceful Globe or NOT?




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Google - find out for yourself!!! what is happening to our globe??? Is this THE PEARL HARBOUR OF OUR TIME or just conspiracy theories??? Here are some links you can try - questioning the official story: Media "Distortions" The Latest Bin Laden Video Tape Is A Fraud The War on Freedom: How and Why America Was Attacked September 11, 2001 Criminal Mastermind: Donald Rumsfeld The New Pearl Harbor: Disturbing Questions About the Bush Administration and 9/11 Thinking Unthinkable Thoughts Theologian Charges White House Complicity in 9/11 Attack WILL THERE BE A WAR AGAINST THE WORLD AFTER NOVEMBER 2?

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Sun, Oct 31, 2004 at 8:14:56 AM | RE: A Peaceful Globe or NOT?




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What is the next step? World War III about oil? BEIJING, Oct. 30 China, Iran sign biggest oil & gas deal Israel is now believed to have between 100 and 200 nuclear weapons, a stockpile of chemical weapons and an active biological weapons program that has developed several weapons agents. Thu Oct 14, 2004, Russia Finishes Building Iran Nuclear Plant JERUSALEM: The United States plans to sell Israel $139 million worth of air-launched bombs, including 500 “bunker busters” able to penetrate Iran’s underground nuclear facilities, Israeli security sources said on Tuesday. The Bush Neocons and Israel Russia Ready to Vaporize the Jewish State And then kick America out of the Eastern Hemisphere’s oilfields There are Israels trying to build bridges to the Palestinians. US Climate Policy Bigger Threat to World than Terrorism January 9, 2004 by Steve Connor ***************************************************************************** There must be other better ways! than a World War III about oil. Perhaps there are other ways to get energy - zero point energy Or why not sit down and meditate? Expierincing that every I is a part of of eternal energy! That everything is breathing each other. Understanding that words are only our I:s way to make a certain picture out of a picture we cannot grasp. We have to build a well balanced picture together for everyone´s best - now six billions living on this globe - a satellite to the sun. Man has been living on this globe for seven million years. We have been living in small groups, being able to see, listen to, feel and smell the others. The number of languages listed for Papua New Guinea is 832. Of those, 823 are living languages and 9 are extinct. An area which is inhabited by less than 0.1 % of the world's population hosts more than 20 % of the total number of the world's languages. We have not been living in a media society built upon electricity as force and intelligence. 1947 -- one year after the computer was created - a French Jesuit priest named Teilhard de Chardin began talking about an emerging worldwide web in a book called The Formation of the Noosphere(from the Greek "noos," meaning "mind"Winking A Globe, Clothing Itself with a Brain When he was only 20, Galileo Galilei (1564-1642), noticed a lamp swinging overhead while he was in a cathedral. Curious to find out how long it took the lamp to swing back and forth, he used his pulse to time large and small swings. Galileo discovered something that no one else had ever realized: the period of each swing was exactly the same. The law of the pendulum, which would eventually be used to regulate clocks, made Galileo instantly famous. Natural Science was born. The Amercan Scientist Vol. 80 pg. 64 reports the following data representing an experiment by Gallileo in 1608 to investigate motion of a falling object. Gallileo rolled balls down an inclined plane off a horizontal shelf and recorded the distance from the shelf upon landing. In the article, the authors fit distance as a quadratic in height. And the formula you can use to calculate where a cannon-ball will land... After seven million years on earth.... we figured out this... Using words to put together some formula to analyze our world to govern our ill doings. And now 400 years later... we will use this knowledge to make the globe to a mess... for greed of oil. If the Universe is infinite/finite now, it has always been infinite/finite. The critical density is decreasing with time. There are so many words, so many opinions, so many rules, so many doings... Find out for yourself!!! Google... and then say something, do something... And it is time to calm down our I:s and sit down... on our asses and just breathe and be breathed for twenty minutes at least...

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Sun, Oct 31, 2004 at 7:03:17 PM | RE: A Peaceful Globe or NOT?




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What is happening to our globe? This - RFID - Radio Frequency IDentification tags - cannot be the way to make living better. What kind of architecture is this? Making a prison of the whole globe! Better to sit down together and learn to trust each other! Breathing and being breathed by............ who knows the word..... School introduces security system to monitor students' movements Wednesday, September 29, 2004 at 07:25 JST TOKYO — Rikkyo Primary School on Monday introduced a new security system at its Tokyo campus that uses active RFID tags to accurately monitor the comings and goings of its students in real time. The system, which was developed and is being deployed by Fujitsu Ltd, will also help guard against unauthorized entry to the school grounds. The system began trial operation Monday and is scheduled for full-scale rollout with the beginning of the new school year in April 2005. The new system automatically records the exact time a student enters or exits the campus, making it possible for school staff as well as parents or guardians to confirm the safe arrival and exit of each child. In the new system, students and authorized staff are given active RFID tags, which can be attached to book bags or other personal items. Because the tags can be read by scanners from a distance of up to 10 meters, no specialized entryways are required, and students can come and go freely without having to stop at a security checkpoint. Their entry/exit is recorded simply when they pass by the scanners. In developing the system, Fujitsu and Rikkyo Primary School gave careful consideration to privacy and safety concerns. The RFID tags themselves use number codes and carry no individually identifying or information.As a result, no personal information about a student could be obtained from the tag should it be lost or stolen. In addition, because the tags use very low-power radio waves even weaker than television broadcast signals, there is no health impact. "We take school security very seriously and already employ security cameras and have guards posted on school grounds 24 hours a day," said Tsukasa Tanaka, principal of Rikkyo Primary School.

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Mon, Nov 1, 2004 at 2:34:46 AM | RE: A Peaceful Globe or NOT?




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Perhaps you have not heard about RFID - Radio Frequency IDentification tags. They can make this globe to a prison - everyone watched of Big Brother. Big Brother using terrorism to make us scared to accept our loss of freedom - to accept RFID "They want to make us scared--fearful. They want to make us isolated." Human RFID-chips more than skin-deep - learn how they works Mandatory sub-dermal tracking systems to be implanted in New York, San Francisco, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania and Washington DC's Homeless Populations. School introduces security system to monitor students' movements There are people trying to stop RFID CASPIAN - Consumers Against Supermarket Privacy Invasion and Numbering Case Study: Wal-Mart's Race for RFID,1759,1492297,00.asp Gartner Says Companies Should Focus on Business Benefits of RFID, Not 5-Cent Price Myth RFID Reshapes Supply Chain Management,1759,1567819,00.asp FDA(Federal Drug Administration) CLEARS VERICHIP™ FOR MEDICAL APPLICATIONS IN THE UNITED STATES The manufacturer - October 13th 2004 MICROCHIPS IN HUMANS - SECURITY UNDER THE SKIN Well it is not only RFID - the voting system is also electronized by Big Brother Wave your RFID credit card to get a burger Wireless World: RFID to thwart terrorism Japanese bank taps RFID for document security RFID Tags in New US Notes Explode When You Try to Microwave Them Find out for yourself! Google: RFID results in 3 million links!!!

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Mon, Nov 1, 2004 at 7:29:03 AM | RE: A Peaceful Globe or NOT?




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A simple idea - a concrete proposal: Why not sit down half an hour every day at the same time around the globe? It will be like a wave going around the globe of people sitting down eg at noon breathing and being breathed understanding that everyones I´s ideas and feelings - opinions - are important - listening to our own I:s common secret that cannot be expressed in words - not even in a single word or sign. Hopefully our I:s can in the same time calm down and wake up - to learn to trust each others I:s - not making the world either to a mess or to a prison - instead to something good for each of us. That is my simple idea - concrete proposal. What do you think? Let us hear it!

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Mon, Nov 1, 2004 at 4:06:52 PM | RE: A Peaceful Globe or NOT?




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You've got an awful lot of links there, Mr. GG... haven't you heard that the world conditions you see today are part of a Bible prophecy? (2 Timothy 3:1-5; Matthew 24:3-37) These things may cause fear in many; however they must take place in order for our Creator to settle the challenge to his rulership made back in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 3:4.5; Job 1:9-11). That challenge involves all of mankind & their obedience to their Creator. After all these things occur, and the wicked world, with thier governments, false religious systems, & wicked people are destroyed at Armageddon (Revelation 16:14-16); we can look forward to the earth being restored to a Paradise condtion like it was when created and how God, who's name is Jehovah (Exodus 6:2-4; Psalms 83:1Shadey, intended it to be forever. (Genesis 1:28; Psalms 37:29; Isaiah 45:1Shadey Please read the supporting scriptures cited to see that these are not my thoughts but come from your very own copy of the Bible. Any questions will be answered.

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Mon, Nov 1, 2004 at 6:09:33 PM | RE: A Peaceful Globe or NOT?




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Thank you for answering! I have read what you suggested. But you know I am a bit afraid of words. It is so easy to begin a dispute using words. Everyone having their own words, meanings... I have tried to give you some links trying to say that there can be different meanings about what has happened and what is happening. You have to search trying to find out - not going to just one source. Google gives you so many links. But what do you think about my idea? Every person sitting down for half an hour every day in silence? Perhaps the hard thing is listening. And I believe every one has to sit down in silence to really listen and then speak a bit... still listening... And it is much easier seeing the one you are talking with. We have been living in small groups most of the time on this globe. Now we are six billions. Every one talking it will be a lot of talk. I really do not know how to solve it. I just had an idea - a concrete proposal. Let us sit down at least half an hour pro day.

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Mon, Nov 1, 2004 at 6:51:35 PM | RE: A Peaceful Globe or NOT?




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Well... your proposal is definitely interesting. Are you seriously looking for an answer to the reason for the problems you see on the world scene or are you just thinking out loud?

I agree with you on opinions & interpretations being many about the Bible, though.

The reason I brought this up is because you mentioned World War III & Matthew 24:3-7 mentions some of the signs of the conclusion of this system of things. Among those signs would be a difference in the scale of wars, one that hadn't been seen before; such as both World Wars. Another was earthquakes, food shortages, etc. All of these signs would be happening AT THE SAME TIME, signifying the last days had begun. They began in 1914, which can be determined by Bible prophecy. Read for yourself the scriptures quoted below. They can be found in any accurate copy of the Bible.

(Matthew 24:3-7) While [Jesus] was sitting upon the Mount of Olives, the disciples approached him privately, saying: “Tell us, When will these things be, and what will be the sign of your presence and of the conclusion of the system of things?”
 And in answer Jesus said to them: “Look out that nobody misleads YOU;  for many will come on the basis of my name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will mislead many.  YOU are going to hear of wars and reports of wars; see that YOU are not terrified. For these things must take place, but the end is not yet.
 “For nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be food shortages and earthquakes in one place after another.  All these things are a beginning of pangs of distress."

(2 Timothy 3:1-5) But know this, that in the last days critical times hard to deal with will be here.  For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, self-assuming, haughty, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, disloyal,  having no natural affection, not open to any agreement, slanderers, without self-control, fierce, without love of goodness, betrayers, headstrong, puffed up [with pride], lovers of pleasures rather than lovers of God, having a form of godly devotion but proving false to its power; and from these turn away.

Wouldn't you agree that this describes the time in which we live today?

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Mon, Nov 1, 2004 at 7:04:11 PM | RE: A Peaceful Globe or NOT?




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Another problem with the world is this:

Man was not created with the ability to rule himself independently of his Creator. We have seen this from man's first sin onward. But the Bible acknowledges this fact:

(Jeremiah 10:23)  I well know, O Jehovah, that to earthling man his way does not belong. It does not belong to man who is walking even to direct his step.

(Ecclesiastes 8:9) All this I have seen, and there was an applying of my heart to every work that has been done under the sun, [during] the time that man has dominated man to his injury.

I'm not trying to bombard you with scriptures, but I find that they bring comfort because it illustrates that God knows what's happening in the world today. NOT ONE THING escapes his notice. And it's not going to stay this way. We are deep into the time of the end now, and not many Bible prophecies are yet to be fulfilled. Most have been already.

One of my favorite scriptures illustrates what we need to be doing in order to avoid losing our lives during this time; Jesus own words:

(John 17:3) - This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of you, the only true God, and of the one whom you sent forth, Jesus Christ.

Kind of an interesting life story account here:

Post edited on 2004-11-05 10:48:44

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Mon, Nov 1, 2004 at 8:42:22 PM | RE: A Peaceful Globe or NOT?



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In order to truly have peace, and avoid all the anxiety of the goings on in the world today, you must have Jesus Christ as your Lord and master. Jesus says in Matthew 7:21-23 (New King James Version): "Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity." Merely to have head knowledge that there is a God and believe that He exists is not enough. Satan has head knowledge that God exists. What is required to get into heaven is that you "Know God" in a different sense. I use for research, it lets you see the origional greek behind the scriptures and what they mean. From the passage above Jesus says "I never knew you". The word knew in the greed is "ginosko" and it speaks to more than a head knowledge, but an intimate level of knowledge. Another passage in the Bible uses this same greek word. It is Matthew 1:25 and speaking of Jesus' parents Joseph and Mary and the beginning of their marriage "And knew her not till she had brought forth her firstborn son: and he called his name JESUS." In the case above the word "knew" is again the greek ginosko, and deals with an intimate knowledge between a husband and wife...more to the point, Mary and Joseph did not have sex until after Jesus' birth. But you can see hear the difference between a head knowledge and an intimate knowledge, and to get to heaven God requires the later.

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Mon, Nov 1, 2004 at 9:05:07 PM | RE: A Peaceful Globe or NOT?




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To talk about beliefs is not so easy. I understand that you believe in what you have read. And you believe it is true that you have read. And those who once told this believed in what they said. If those persons telling this was alive today everything would have been much easier is my belief. We could have talked with each other. Listened to each other. Or perhaps write some words to each other on Internet. Trying to understand the other persons beliefs - truths? In some way or another I am trying to discuss our situation today with a natural science giving us so many possibilities to a good life but also giving us so destructive forces - like nuclear power and data eg RFID-technology. As I tried to say it was Galileo Galilei sitting in a cathedral in Pisa Italy around 1600 taking his pulse looking at lamps swinging back and forth and then putting his measurements of time and length down on paper making a formula . And Natural Science was born. And this was only 400 years ago., And man is 7 million years. How can we govern those forces natural sciences have given us? That is my question... And my answer - sit down in silence - to understand that those formulas is not the whole truth. They are only words, sounds symbolizing something we have tried to measure. And measuring something is never absolutely correct. And symbols are always part of what they symbolize. Are you not interested in trying to figure out things? Are you not using your I then you are pasting butter on the bread? and not on the table? Or do you mean that you can read all answers in a book? I hope you do not find me rude trying to have an answer... Or perhaps I am missing the point??? Perhaps I dare to say something about what you perhaps are thinkijng of like this: Jesus said "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." Perhaps Jesus meant every ones I - not only his I - was a way to find the truth and see life. and find a origin he called his Father. Why not also his Mother? Sure I am missing the point again... Perhaps it is too complicated to discuss this - I am a fool doing it... Better sit down - keep your big mout shut - I tell myself sometimes,.,, OK! But you have not answered my idea... What do you think about sitting down in silence? Have you tested? I think it is good sitting down - loosing a lot of my opinions.... perhaps finding some new ones. Understanding that the I - my I - your I - our I:s is not everything. That I do not ony breath but I am breathed. And then Googling a bit. Have you Googled on Zarathustra. He came from Persia/Iran. And he was the first one using just one name for everything. And then different religions learnt from his teaching. Perhaps this is the way - trying to find out things for yourself together with others. Or? I think you already knows after reading a book. But if someone else reads another book and says he/she is rigtht also. Then the problems begins.... Therefore better sit down half an hour pro day every one of us before and after talking/discussing...

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Mon, Nov 1, 2004 at 9:45:28 PM | RE: A Peaceful Globe or NOT?




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I did not read your reply before I wrote mine... Which shows how difficult it is to talk to each other nor sitting in the same room, by the same table, on the same floor. That I think people have done for seven million years ... sitting telling each other stories more or less real, more or less true. Then 10000 years ago man learnt to farm. Learnt to write and read. Learnt to build big societis with not only a hundred members So people were not always sitting in the same room talking to each other any longer. And there could be a lot of missunderstandings., And some people used language - writing down things - to cheat others - and the others were so much easier to cheat when not sitting in the same room and perhaps not being able to read and write. Then came natural science just 400 years ago and the possibilities of doing both good and bad things increased a great deal. I found what you are saying interesting but perhaps we better sit in the same room talking... listening to each other... or it will be a lot of missunderstandings... and we can both get upset... So that is a reason for me suggesting let us sit down half an hour pro day every one of us. OK! You wrote this and more: From the passage above Jesus says "I never knew you". The word knew in the greed is "ginosko" and it speaks to more than a head knowledge, but an intimate level of knowledge. I found this interesting. I have not studied greek-language so perhaps not to say what I think, but perhaps it is meant with this that your I is a construction - perhaps a good construction made with REVIT..hi..hi.. but every construction - every I - can not understand the whole truth - you have to sit down and silence your I - your special construction - your "head knowledge". It is like a building - made in REVIT or some other program - you can make a rendering but there are walls not only windows so you see just parts of the surroundings.... That you call an "intimate knowledge" I can think is an experience you get while meditationg - sitting down on your ass not using your I trying to get a grip on things, Perhaos we better stop discussing - it is beginning to get so complicated... though I think it is interesting to have a chat with you. - and your I. See you perhaps some day - sitting in the same room. And we can go on talking on those a bit difficult questions... easier. Sitting down half an hour a day perhaps you do not have to bother so much about words. You can have an experience also... I hope you have understood something of what I am trying to say.

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Tue, Nov 2, 2004 at 4:35:12 AM | RE: A Peaceful Globe or NOT?




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A simple idea - a concrete proposal: Why not sit down half an hour every day at the same time around the globe? It will be like a wave going around the globe of people sitting down eg at noon breathing and being breathed understanding that everyones I´s ideas and feelings - opinions - are important - listening to our own I:s common secret that cannot be expressed in words - not even in a single word or sign. Hopefully our I:s can in the same time calm down and wake up - to learn to trust each others I:s - not making the world either to a mess or to a prison - instead to something good for each of us. That is my simple idea - concrete proposal. What do you think? Let us hear it!

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