Joined: Wed, Oct 14, 2009
6 Posts No Rating |
Hello everyone, I am rather new to revit structures. Our company is in the prefab concrete and we are currently looking if revit structures is a good candidate for our drawings; but I already encounter some problems. I have a project with consists of a construction 4 inclined triangular schaped 'facet' walls (as finishing of an bycicle passage under a highway). These 4 walls will be at every corner of the passage, so 16 elements per passage. And i have to do it for 14 passages, each having different initial conditions (different angles different dimentions, but the same kind of layout). My idea was to make a conceptual mass and then place wall on the surfaces of the created mass. But here i have a problem. How to create a conceptual mass wich is a piramid with a triangular base (no corners of 90 deg.). When i create a mass it always needs a line or a plane and it refuses to use a single point as 'frame' for my mass. Other ways of creating a mass with the desired faces failed because Revit never connects the frames as i want. For example when i have a square and a triangle as frame it never connect one point of the square to 2 points of the trainge. And when i try to redirect the edges it gives errors like "can't make zero lengt lines" can someone give me some advise how to continue? Huibert

Joined: Thu, Sep 13, 2007
66 Posts
3d snapping goes a long way. this is just a simple tetrahedron. if you really want an effective answer however, you should probably post an image of what you're trying to create.